Sunday, 29 September 2024

Stambuk and Thornton: Support for Rivero

My name is Carol Stambuk and I am writing this letter on behalf of myself and John Thornton, the son of Lynn Thornton who died of injuries sustained in a sailboat accident on Clear Lake on April 29, 2006.

As many of you know, the sailboat Lynn was a passenger on was hit from behind by a speedboat operated by Chief Deputy Russell Perdock who was traveling at a very high rate of speed, between 45 and 50 miles per hour on a dark night. The sailboat was slowly moving toward shore at the time of the impact.

Sheriff Rod Mitchell and District Attorney Jon Hopkins made the decision to charge the wrong man for the accident caused by Russell Perdock which resulted in Lynn’s death. In our opinion, they did everything they could to protect Perdock and go after Bismarck Dinius.

Despite repeated, numerous statements and letters to the court by Lynn’s family, friends and me stating that the wrong man was being charged, Mitchell and Hopkins still moved forward with charging Bismarck Dinius.

Their whole case was based upon their belief that the sailboat did not have its running lights on. They were completely wrong because it was proven during the trial by expert testimony and witnesses that the running lights were in fact on.

In the Sept. 29 sheriff candidates' debate hosted by the Lake County Bar Association, Mitchell made a statement that alluded to people making mistakes. He should know because he made an egregious mistake with the Bismarck Dinius case by not seeing that the responsible person was charged, Russell Perdock.

Hopkins made the same mistake and we believe that strongly contributed to him being voted out of office. In one of the interviews conducted by Dan Noyes, Hopkins was asked about the fact that

there were several witnesses who saw running lights on the sailboat before Perdock crashed into it. Hopkins adamantly stated, “No, no there were not!”

That isn’t a mistake on Hopkins’ part – it’s a completely inaccurate and wrong statement, which Mitchell completely agreed with, and one that was made to protect Russell Perdock. It was proven during the Dinius trial that the lights were on. Hopkins and Mitchell chose to ignore that fact.

The jury didn’t ignore that fact and they got it right. They unanimously acquitted Dinius because they knew the wrong man was being charged. They knew that the sailboat had its running lights on. They recognized the proof when it was presented to them. Russell Perdock should have been charged so that Lynn’s family and friends could have received justice. But, because of Mitchell and Hopkins, we were denied justice.

What makes it even worse is that Lynn was also a peace officer and it was and continues to be an insult to her family and friends that there was no justice for her whatsoever.

It is for this reason that we fully support Frank Rivero for sheriff. I learned about Frank Rivero from people who live in Lake County, and because of what I heard about Frank, I contacted him towards the end of the Dinius trial. Frank has the character, morals and ethics to be sheriff of Lake County. Lynn’s family is in support of him because he had the courage to stand up and tell the truth about the case, when his job was in jeopardy for doing so. He knew the case was being handled wrong, and he spoke up. He is a man who will do the right thing for the county, not play into the “good old boys club” that is in control right now. We believe that he will succeed as your sheriff where Mitchell has failed.

The good people of Lake County have the opportunity to make a change for the better. It started with voting Hopkins out of office and now you have the opportunity to end Mitchell’s job and vote in a man who will work very hard for you, your families and all of Lake County.

On behalf of John, Lynn’s family, her friends and myself, we urge you to vote for Frank Rivero on Nov. 2!

Carol Stambuk lives in Rocklin, Calif., and John Thornton lives in Carmichael, Calif.

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