Sunday, 29 September 2024

Giovanni: The Lake County Redevelopment Agency and the purchase of the Lucerne Hotel

With the Lake County Board of Supervisors voting Tuesday to approve the purchase of the Lucerne Hotel, or “The Castle,” I would like to share what I have learned about the Lake County Redevelopment Agency.

After some reading and talking with those responsible for the agency, I believe that the acquisition of this property is an ideal use of redevelopment agency funds and is consistent with the purposes for which the agency was created.

Redevelopment agencies are formed under specific California laws for the purpose of economic development and elimination of blight. Lake County’s agency was formed in 1999 and the plan for the Northshore Redevelopment Area was adopted in 2001.

Here are responses to my questions, which may be helpful to others in understanding this significant purchase.


Why? The Lake County Redevelopment Agency exists to eliminate blight and replace these areas with prosperous businesses and revitalized community areas to support economic development and job growth. Private business would not be willing to take on the risk of developing these areas.

Who? While the Lake County Board of Supervisors serves as the board of directors of the redevelopment agency, public involvement is critical to ensure that citizen needs and priorities are included.

How? The agency is not funded with the county budget or regular taxes. The agency (not the county) incurs debt to purchase and improve blighted properties. The debt is repaid with money that is generated from a portion of the resulting increase in property tax revenues within the project area. These monies are collected when a property is sold, constructed, or improved in the redevelopment area. Current properties are protected under Proposition 13. The redevelopment agency is committed to working with local contractors and encouraging public-private partnerships.

Where? The Northshore Project Area comprises much of the developed areas from Upper Lake in the northwest to Clearlake Oaks in the southeast. The money can only be used for properties and improvements within its boundaries (the map is posted in the county offices and on the Web site below).

Other benefits? The redevelopment agency considers infrastructure, affordable housing, safety and the environment in their plans.

For more information, visit

Maria Giovanni lives in Nice, Calif.

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