Sunday, 29 September 2024

Green: Response to deputy's letter

Deputy Steve Brooks, in his letter to the editor, totally misrepresents Frank Rivero's position on marijuana. He twists Rivero's position far beyond recognition.

I was not at the Upper Lake event, but my understanding of Rivero's position from the multiple debates is that with limited and dwindling county resources, marijuana, and especially medical marijuana, should be the lowest law enforcement priority. Instead, Rivero would put Lake County's limited resources into fighting methamphetamine, the real drug problem here.

Rivero has specifically stated that he would continue to go after the large criminal grows, but not the small growers or medical marijuana growing collectives. Also, Rivero's position is that our county's limited resources should not be spent trying to fight the huge organized crime grows in the national forests, this is primarily the job of the well-funded agencies the Campaign Against Marijuana Planting (CAMP) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).


Of course, the real answer is full legalization for "recreational" as well as medical use. We will get a chance to vote on this in November. This would, in the long run, if not immediately, bring the price of marijuana way, way down, take the huge profit out of the illegal national forest grows, and thus eliminate them. And, as a bonus it might just save California's economy.


The Sheriff Rod Mitchell camp is desperate and throwing in the kitchen sink (instead of the towel) at this point in the campaign. If Lake County reelects Mitchell (and District Attorney Jon Hopkins) the entire state (if not the entire country) is going to think we are all nuts.


My choice is Rivero for sheriff and Rhoades for district attorney. But, if you disagree, at least vote no on Mitchell and Hopkins. Let's prevent Lake County from remaining a laughingstock throughout the state.

Ron Green lives in Lower Lake.

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