Sunday, 29 September 2024

Stambuk: Electing Rivero will mean justice for Thornton

My name is Carol Stambuk and Lynn Thornton was a close and dear best friend. For over three years Lynn’s son, family and friends have been denied receiving justice for her death that was caused solely by Russell Perdock. Since the date of the accident caused by Russ Perdock on April 29, 2006, it is my opinion that he has been protected by Sheriff Rodney Mitchell, as well as District Attorney Jon Hopkins.

Mitchell and Hopkins moved forward with unjustified charges against an innocent man, Bismarck Dinius, which ignited into nationwide attention of the case. Had the charges against Dinius not been so outrageous, this case would have gone on without all of the publicity.

The obvious coverup and perjury that dominated the case was not only a slap in the face of Lynn’s son, family and friends, but to all of you who live in Lake County because of the bad publicity and image that was projected.

I have made this statement before and I want to make it again because I want all of the voters to remember this when they go to the polls. From April 29, 2006, to the months that followed, no one from Mitchell’s office or Hopkins’ office ever contacted Lynn’s family following the accident. We were completely ignored and avoided from the onset. Since when is it standard operating procedure not to contact the family of a victim? Why were they avoiding us?

In the early hours of the day following the accident on April 30, 2006, several calls were made by Lynn’s family to the Lake County Sheriff’s Office, asking for information about the accident. Instead of getting any answers or response, they were hung up on. Our voices were completely ignored when we made it publicly known that the wrong man was being charged with her death.

Mitchell and Hopkins exerted more effort to go after an innocent man than to see that justice was done. They made the conscious decision to protect Russ Perdock instead of holding him accountable and to the standards every other person would have been held to.

It was Mitchell’s job and responsibility to bring charges forward against the responsible person, Russ Perdock, because he was the person who drove his speedboat recklessly and crashed into the back of the sailboat on a dark night.

Perdock claimed that there were no lights on the sailboat, but it was proven in the trial that the lights were on. Perdock’s speed, reckless driving and his lack of regard for the safety of others is why he crashed into the sailboat.

In my opinion, Mitchell and Hopkins mishandled the entire case. They were wrong then and continue to be wrong now, and they do not deserve to be in law enforcement leadership roles.

Sheriff Mitchell did not do right by Lynn Thornton and now I am asking the good people of Lake County to help bring justice to Lynn and peace of mind to her son, family and friends. On June 8 you have the opportunity to send a strong message to Rodney Mitchell by voting him out of office and electing Frank Rivero.

Carol Stambuk lives in Rocklin, Calif.

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