Sunday, 29 September 2024

Gray: Many hands made for an abundant community garden season

On behalf of the Lake County Hunger Task Force, I would like to acknowledge and thank those who have made our 2009 community garden season a stupendous success.

We grew and gleaned in four locations this summer, and distributed to the local food banks, senior centers, and various food programs 6201 pounds of fruits and vegetables.

Without the support of many, we would not been able to contribute this food.

Our major benefactors have been Lars Crail and Maile Field. For several years, they have donated a garden plot, including water, organic fertilizer and tilling to our organization. That one garden grew an astounding 4,768 pounds of food. They generously have allowed us to glean from their organic orchards as well. The pears gleaned were approximately 1,000 pounds, and are not included in the above totals.

They are some of the most generous people in Lake County, and we owe them more than we can ever repay.

Our gratitude to Phyllis and Kirt Kelsey of Middletown who started a new garden on their property. They took on a 500-square-foot garden, almost by themselves, and raised about 600 pounds of food that was donated locally.

In addition, we need to thank the Lake County Office of Education for donating three raised beds, a garden plot and, most of all, a greenhouse where we are able to start all of our garden plants each season. Tim Doukas has been instrumental in facilitating our efforts, and for that we owe thanks.

Two organic farmers have been most generous donating produce this year. Kudos to Rick Barber and Ralph Rittenhouse. Rather that letting their extra go to waste, they contacted us and we distributed the food. Rick gave approximately 310 pounds of vegetables, and Ralph gave 37 boxes of peaches. Thank you, gentlemen.

We owe a debt of gratitude to the Lake County Wine Alliance for putting their faith in our group, and naming us as one of the recipients of their annual auction. Their continuing support means more that we can express.

Thanks also go out to the Lake County Farmers Finest and Cornelia Sieber for allowing us to have an information table at the farmers market at Steele Winery the first Saturday of each month the past two years. We try to disseminate information regarding our programs, and general information about where those who are hungry might go to get some food, as well as letting those who grow the food know we can help with their “leftovers.”

In August we gave canning lessons, and I must thank the Kelseyville Presbyterian Church for the use of their wonderful kitchen space. The lessons were conducted by Brian Gray, and we thank him for his annual contribution sharing his valuable skills in a fun way. This year he was assisted by Cathy Gonce, Tammy Alakszay and Patricia Shuman. Thank you all.

Last but by no means least, I would personally like to thank all the members of the Hunger Task Force for their perseverance this year, and all the hard work in the gardens. In particular, I would like to mention Lynn Vierra and Ellen Sommers for their tireless harvesting during July and August when I was unable to lend a hand. Thanks also to Tammy Alakszay who coordinated the distribution around the county.

Finally, I would like to thank those members who worked our booth at the Pear Festival and the Harvest Festival. Stand up and take a bow, Lou Denny, Hedy Montoya, Barry Miller, Tammy Alakszay, Ginger Frank, Patricia Shuman, Lloyd Shuman, Jara Johnson, Peter Johnson and Brian Gray.

Lorrie Gray is community garden coordinator. She live in Kelseyville.

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