Thursday, 04 July 2024


Every year millions of consumers nationwide eagerly anticipate holiday shopping events such as Cyber Monday.

Unlike other holiday shopping days however, Cyber Monday only requires you to have access to a computer and a credit card to complete your purchase.

Despite the convenience, there are still many risks with online purchases and scammers are well prepared to take advantage of consumer’s mistakes.

Although online shopping has many benefits, it’s important to watch out for scams. According to the BBB Risk Index, online purchase scams are the riskiest scam to consumers. In 2017, more than 4,500 online purchase scams were reported to BBB Scam Tracker with the average victim losing over $100.

Additionally, consumers nationwide filed over 19,500 complaints against online retailers with BBB in 2017. Common complaints include paying for items but never receiving them, deceptive “free trial” offers, and issues returning products and receiving refunds.

Check out these BBB tips as you prepare for your Cyber Monday purchases:

1. Do your research. Before buying, look up the business at and look over their BBB Business Profile to see its rating, complaint history, and customer reviews. Researching a company and reading reviews before making a purchase can save you from making the same mistake others did before you. Consider buying from trustworthy BBB Accredited Businesses that are committed to BBB’s Standards for Trust.

2. Beware of “too good to be true” deals and deceptive ads. Don’t believe every Cyber Monday ad you see. You’ll probably see ads online or receive email offers advertising suspiciously low prices. Make sure the site is professional, and free of spelling and grammatical errors. Better safe than sorry; it’s better to pass up on a “great deal” than pay for a product and either never receive it or realize the advertisement or product details were misleading. Take your time and read the fine print before submitting your order.

3. Beware of phishing. Don’t open any links or attachments from unsolicited emails – even if the advertised Cyber Monday deals seem irresistible. It’s better to type the URL directly in to your search bar, or look up the company on and follow the link in its BBB Business Profile. Also, be on the lookout for phishing emails and websites that are impersonating real businesses. Hover over links and examine logos carefully. Remember that impersonation is easy; anyone can take a company’s logo and products and set up a fake website using a legitimate domain. If you suspect you’re being phished, report it to BBB Scam Tracker to help warn others.

4. Be secure. Check the site’s security settings and privacy policy and understand them. Make sure the URL starts with “https://”, where the “s” stands for secure. Also, look for the small closed lock icon in the address bar. Don’t give away any unnecessary personal information, and be certain that you’re giving your payment information through a secure website. If the site shows a BBB Seal, click on it and make sure it links to the correct BBB Business Profile to confirm its authenticity. Protect your computer as well: make sure you have firewall, anti-virus, and anti-spyware software. Run virus scans regularly and make sure your software is up-to-date.

5. Pay with a credit card. A credit card may offer more protection than other payment methods; you can dispute a charge if you don’t receive the item. Additionally, consider it a red flag if the site will only let you use less-traceable payment forms.

6. Document everything. Keep documentation of all confirmation pages, emails and any other records. Print these out to be extra safe.

7. Read the return, cancellation, and refund policies very carefully. Make sure to look at the site’s contact page and FAQ to see what methods of contact are available should an issue arise. Consider it a red flag if they don’t have a toll free phone number and can only be contacted via email.

8. Carefully read the product details. Many people think they’re buying one thing but receive another because they didn’t read the fine print. Make sure you’re getting the size, color and other specifications that you want.

Follow these tips to feel confident shopping online this Cyber Monday. Check out BBB’s Digital IQ to learn more about how to be a savvy consumer on the Internet and test your own Digital IQ. Report online shopping scams to to help warn others.

Evan Arnold-Gordon is a public relations specialist with the BBB serving the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern Coastal California.

Deb Baumann enjoying a “Chisum moment” overlooking Clear Lake in Lake County, Calif. Courtesy photo.

Some dismiss “Chisum” (1970) as a run-of-the-mill Hollywood horse opera, but when I saw it as a kid during its initial release, it made a lasting impact. (To this day, whenever I pause my horse on a high spot with beautiful landscape spreading out far below, I think of the iconic image of John Wayne atop his horse at the beginning of this movie... I call these "Chisum moments.")

“Chisum” was written and produced by John Wayne's own company, and encapsulates the classic JW western themes – tapping into a mythology deeply rooted in the American psyche.

Wayne plays a tough rancher overseeing a cattle empire he "carved out of the wilderness" 25 years before. The old days that relied on guns are over, and now civilization, law and order are taking root.

Along with civilization comes vulture capitalism, as personified by L.J. Murphy, an Eastern dude with lots of money and no morals. He starts buying everything in town, crassly putting his name in giant signs atop every business, "throwing a wide loop" as westerners say. He buys the sheriff, too. He is a greedy and corrupt bully, intent on monopolizing the town's commerce and destroying all competition.

John Wayne/Chisum walks into the saloon as an old vaquero, Juan, is being told he can no longer water his cattle at Muddy Creek, according to the land's new owner, Murphy. As Juan dejectedly begins to leave, Chisum says "Juan, you and your compadres can water your herds at my creek" (community sticks together and shares resources, regardless of race or economic status).

Through devious legalities, Murphy obtains the only general store and doubles the prices (monopoly capitalism exploiting the community). The poorer ranchers cannot afford the high prices, so Murphy says his bank will provide loans in return for mortgages on their ranches (mortgage-fraud banksters robbing people of their land). To counter this vulture capitalism, Chisum starts a bank and store of his own, with lower prices and better rates than Murphy's ("in the spirit of healthy competition" he says to Murphy, who is no longer smiling).

Murphy bribes the captain of the nearby fort to buy cattle from him instead of from Chisum, promising that when the captain retires from the Army there is a position waiting for him on Murphy's bank board (corrupt revolving door between private corporation and military industrial complex).

All the while, Chisum is trying to be civilized and counter Murphy's evil moves with legal responses, instead of resorting to the "old ways" of frontier violence. Finally, however, Murphy takes things too far, good people are murdered, and Chisum does what he "would’ve done 25 years ago."

The movie culminates in a giant fisticuff brawl (of course!), between Chisum and Murphy. John Wayne wins, the bad guys are run out of town, and peace and justice are restored to the community. The End.

Lessons I learned growing up on John Wayne movies:

– Live honorably – never lie, cheat or steal. Keep your word, or you are nothing.
– Work hard to earn what you have, don't freeload, but neither be a greed-hog.
– Protect the weak and to be generous to those in need.
– Defend justice and the rule of law. No one is above the law.
– Don't pick fights, but don't back down, either, when right is on your side.
– Although most people are good, there are also bad people in this world, and those bad people must be resisted and not allowed to trample the rights or lives of others. Heading the list of bad people: Nazis. Also bad: braggarts, bigots, bullies and anyone who discriminates against a race or religion. Most JW movies have villains who are bullies, braggarts, bigots or racists, and the Duke puts them in their proper place (usually prone and unconscious).
– Always do the right thing, because it's the right thing to do.
– True worth is an internal quality, one that cannot be bought or measured in dollars. It is shared by all people of good will and good character who work hard and live honorably, regardless of social status, gender, race or religion.
– Take care of your horse before you take care of yourself.

Core values developed in my childhood have not changed. I still aspire for the USA to be a nation that is honorable, fair, just and prosperous, with equality of opportunity for all. These values belong to neither the left nor the right, but to all of us.

Republicans, Democrats and the majority who are neither … We should celebrate what joins us together as one people, one nation, indivisible. A nation of immigrants. A melting pot of many cultures. This is who we are.

We, the people, have far more in common with each other, regardless of race, creed, religion or political party, than any of us have with the wealthy power-abusers who have co-opted our government.

We, the people, can prevail when we work together. The power-abusers know this, and they are afraid of our numbers. To keep their stranglehold on power, they divide us, Red against Blue.

I know where JW/Chisum would stand, in this struggle. He'd be with us, the people, against the power-abusers. He'd be ready to charge hell itself with nothing but a bucket of water, if that's what it takes to restore democracy to the USA.

In “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance” (1962), John Wayne is the only person the outlaw Liberty Valance fears enough to back down from. James Stewart is the greenhorn lawyer who is robbed and beaten by the sadistic Valence.

Wayne's character can be viewed as the Conservative, Stewart's as the Progressive. Two different points of view, but they are both good people. They are both against lawlessness, against the powerful exploiting the powerless. They both believe in liberty, freedom and fairness. One carries a gun and will not hesitate to use it when necessary. The other rejects violence and believes legal jurisprudence must prevail, even in the wild west.

But again – and this cannot be emphasized enough – they are both good people, and they are on the same side. America's side.

Our nation was like that once, and not that long ago. In my lifetime. We were not divided the same way we are today, wherein power-abusers convince both Democratic and Republican voters to regard each other as enemies, each side believing that "our party" represents Good and "the other party" represents Evil.

Again, We the People have far more in common with each other, than any of us has with the power-abusers.

The power-abusers know that, which is why they invest so much in media propaganda designed to focus our energies against each other. Lost your home? Lost your job? "Blame the others!"

Blame immigrants, blame other religions, blame other races, blame the poor. Blame the powerless. Blame the other party. But whatever you do … Don't. Look. Up.

Don’t blame the corrupt people at the top, the ones who have all the power, and ones who are robbing us blind, sucking the life-blood out of the American economy and stashing it in offshore tax havens. Don't look up!


That's how we got into this mess.

To fix this corrupt, rigged system, to restore democracy and take back our government, We the People must come together, and start a better dialogue with each other.

I wish more of my Democrat friends knew how to enjoy a good John Wayne movie, and I wish my Republican friends could acknowledge how far the Grand Old Party has strayed from what it used to be, back in the day when Republicans like John Wayne made movies like “Chisum,” which show Americans of different races, genders, religions, languages, nations of birth, educations and social class – white collar and blue collar – coming together to fight the Real Enemy: corruption and abuse by wealthy powermongers that believe they can buy anything, including the law itself.

Deb Baumann lives in Upper Lake, Calif.

In Spring 1997, a nonprofit organization, named Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, published an article in their quarterly newsletter (PEEReview) entitled "Wild Horses to Slaughter.”

This nonprofit was started by US Bureau of Land Management employees who became disillusioned by upper level management decisions, in tolerating and even facilitating the routine and illegal removal of mustangs from publicly owned land. Many of these wild horses were sent to slaughter.

Now alerted to the problem, investigative media began researching the problem. They discovered that Washington lobbyists, working on behalf of the cattle industry, wanted to ensure publicly owned BLM-managed land would be used exclusively for cattle grazing. Cattle ranchers considered mustangs to be a "nuisance." To gain access to more forage, ranchers insisted federal agencies “remove” the mustangs.

With media involvement, the mustang slaughter scandal became nationwide news. As a result, hundreds of nonprofit horse protection advocates and rescue ranches began forming across America. These groups demanded an end to the slaughter of mustangs.

Government oversight of government abuse

The BLM is located within the US Department of Interior. The US Forest Service is housed within the US Department of Agriculture. Both are within, and supervised by cabinet level secretaries, appointed by the president and confirmed by the US Senate. With widespread knowledge of this ongoing corruption, all presidents since 1997 (Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and now, Donald Trump) have permitted this brutal and illegal horse slaughter to continue in violation of the Wild and Free Horses and Burros Act of 1971.

The legislative authority with oversight over BLM and US Forest Service abuses is the Natural Resources Committee within the House of Representatives.

Fast forward to 2015.

Even after 18 years of media investigation and public commentary on this issue, further examination was warranted. In October, 2015, the investigative journal ProPublica published an article entitled “Missing: What happened to the wild horses Tom Davis bought from the government?” This article described how “kill buyers” operate to purchase mustangs from BLM and US Forest Service round-ups; and detailed the process whereby horses are shipped to slaughterhouses in Canada and Mexico.

Because of decades of continued influence from cattle industry lobbyists, thousands of mustangs remain subjected to BLM and US Forest Service annual round-ups. Few are adopted out. Others are shipped to cramped holding pens (where they sit for years at taxpayers’ expense), never adopted or set free. Their ending is obvious. And many others continue to be illegally transported in large double decker stock trailers to out-of-country slaughterhouses; or live air-shipped to Japan, where they are then slaughtered.

It is only through the hard work of a national network of nonprofit horse protection groups and rescues that the public has gained an increasing awareness and insight into this widespread corruption. These groups, along with intermittent, but intensive media investigation, have exposed our government’s long-term disregard for wild mustangs and federal law.

Fast Forward to November 2018.

On Nov. 10, 2018, Lake County News published a letter from California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to the US Department of Agriculture (US Forest Service). He stated the US Forest Service roundup of 1,000 mustangs on Oct. 10, 2018, in Modoc County, Calif., was in violation of California law, if such mustangs will be sold under “unconditional” sales agreements.

To be clear, California law allows mustangs in our state, to be adopted out, after round-ups. However, it does not allow horses to be sold under an “unconditional” sales arrangement. And the US Department of Agriculture has already provided notice and their intention, that all mustangs rounded up in Modoc County, not adopted by Jan. 10, 2019, will be sold under “unconditional” sales contracts.

After this date, all unadopted horses will be sold for $1 per mustang. Based on prior histories of government roundups, these horses will be sold to “mysterious” buyers, who appear with large stock trailers. The chances of these horses being shipped to slaughter are almost 100 percent.

Stop the slaughter

Well-intentioned BLM whistleblowers have not stopped the slaughter. Even years of media investigative reporting, which has chronicled widespread abuses, have not stopped the slaughter. Countless nationwide horse protection and advocacy groups, who have mobilized to assist in adoption, have demanded an end to slaughter. And to date, the state of California continues in its determination to stop this institutionalized cruelty. While all these efforts have created a public outrage, they simply have: Not. Stopped. Horse. Slaughter.

Therefore, I am requesting all people who care about animals, and mustangs, in particular, to address this appalling abuse of federal government authority by contacting your elected officials: Rep. Jared Huffman (CA-2); or Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-5); or Rep. John Garamendi (CA-3).

Demand a full, open and immediate Congressional House Investigation into all undertakings related to BLM / USFS round ups, adoption and mustang slaughter activities, on all lands publicly owned and managed by the federal government.

Regardless of your congressional district, contact Rep. Jared Huffman (CA. 2), ranking member of the Natural Resources Committee. This Congressional Committee directly oversees all activities of the BLM and Forest Service. Firmly demand he use his constitutionally derived authority of oversight to investigate management abuses of mustangs on public lands.

Contact California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, Gov. Jerry Brown and Gov.-elect Gavin Newsom and request they file an injunction and lawsuit, to prevent the involved federal agencies from initiating the “unconditional” sales contracts re: mustangs remaining in Modoc County after Jan. 10, 2019.

Boycott beef. There are other sources of protein you can buy which do not support horse slaughter.

Who will benefit: The American mustang, who will be allowed to remain free roaming and protected.

Anna Rose Ravenwoode lives in Kelseyville, Calif. She loves equines.

How often do we find ourselves prompting our children to say, “Thank you?”

Whenever they’re offered a treat from a friend or an adult helps them out, we find ourselves asking, “Now, what do you say?”

We want our children to be respectful and use good manners, which is why we teach them to say, “Thank you,” but I wonder if in our attempt to produce properly mannered children, we actually overlook the thankfulness within “Thank you.”

Do we bring our children to a place where thankfulness is more than polite, but a recognizable part of their personhood? Are we at a place where thankfulness is a recognizable part of our personhood?

A few years ago, a Peanuts cartoon pictured Charlie Brown bringing out Snoopy’s dinner on Thanksgiving Day. But it was just his usual dog food in a bowl.

Snoopy took one look at the dog food and said, "This isn’t fair. The rest of the world is eating turkey with all the trimmings, and all I get is dog food. Because I’m a dog, all I get is dog food."

He stood there and stared at his dog food for a moment, and said, "I guess it could be worse. I could be a turkey."

There was very little joy in Snoopy’s thankfulness, for his thankfulness was based on a comparison. His thankfulness was based on the fact that he was better off than the turkey.

Therein lies a small lesson in that when we’re down in the dumps and full of complaints because life isn’t fair, we should recognize that there are so many others far worse off than we are.

We should stop complaining, but when it comes to our thankfulness, the basis should never be, “Whew, am I thankful that I’m not her,” or “I am so thankful I don’t have to live like that.”

Thankfulness is so much more than a comparison of our own situation to someone else’s. Thankfulness is so much more than having enough food to eat, a nice, warm home to live in, good health or financial security, because each of those circumstances can be taken from us in an instant.

Thankfulness is a state of being and a way of life, and we usually fail to live in a state of thankfulness because we take it for granted.

We’re like the world traveler who has been everywhere and seen everything and takes for granted the blessing and beauty of all that he has seen. We have become so accustomed to our blessings that they fail to excite us and generate thankfulness, for we take them for granted.

In Luke 17:11-19, he shares with us the account of one leper who was not spoiled. There have been many guesses as to why the other nine didn’t return to thank Jesus, but our focus is not on the nine, but on the one who was thankful, for he provides us with some very important lessons on thankfulness.

We have all experienced “leprosy,” a time where we felt separated and alone, whether it was in the death of a husband, or the loss of a job, or the dissolving of a marriage or the infliction of emotional pain.

We’ve all had circumstances in life where we’ve lived outside the city, where we’ve paused and asked, “God, what did I do to deserve this?”

My understanding and my relationship with God tells me that the leper didn’t deserve it, and the same can be said for each of our own bouts with “leprosy.” But do we share something else in common with the leper; do we also share his thankful attitude?

The leper also teaches us that thankfulness completes healing. I believe the leper maintained a spirit of thankfulness throughout his battle with leprosy. He likely believed that God had heard the sound of his pleadings; his heart trusted in God and that God was his saving refuge.

Thankfulness is an attitude. Thankfulness is a way of life. Thankfulness enables healing to bring wholeness.

Join us Sunday to hear more about being thankful. The service is at 11 a.m. with a hot lunch to follow. We are thankful for you and pray you will be thankful for joining us.

All are welcome so come as you are!

Chris DelCol is pastor of First Lutheran Church in Lucerne, Calif. The church is located at 3863 Country Club Drive, telephone 707-274-5572. Email Pastor Chris at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

After the events of the past few years and especially the recent fires in California, many are saying that the world is about to end!

According to some, the end isn’t just drawing near, it is here. The end is now! Look at all those natural disasters that are making waste to countries and people all over the world: earthquakes, wildfires, tsunamis, floods, drought and hurricanes, just to name a few.

Let us not forget the ongoing wars and rumors of war that flood our senses constantly, almost to the point of completely desensitizing us. We've become so accustomed to hearing of the terrors of war nowadays that many people have all but forgotten that we are a nation at war. War has become our "new normal" apparently and we either get used to it or try to find hope in the ashes, literally!

In 2012, many believed a Mayan calendar that supposedly ended on Dec. 21, 2012, meant it was the end of the world. The Nostradamus predictions apparently coincided with this prediction. Many were convinced the end was going to take place on Dec. 21, 2012. It didn’t. For those who didn’t get gifts at Christmas that year, I am sorry.

Harold Camping, the longtime host of Family Christian Radio, predicted that judgement day was coming on May 21, 2011, and the end of the world on Oct. 21, 2011. He was so successful at convincing his followers that his predictions were true that many sold everything they had and gave it to the church as a way to buy a ticket to heaven. Guess what, Harold is dead, but the world lives on!

What does God have to say about all of this? What exactly was Jesus referring to when He spoke of the very signs of the end of the world in Mark 13:1-13? Was He talking specifically about the end of the world and Judgment Day?

This may surprise you, but Jesus is not speaking here about the end of the world and Judgment Day. He's not! He's talking about the terrible, sinful things that will happen in the days leading up to Judgment Day and make no mistake: He's not referring to any human predictions! He's talking here about "everyday life" as a Christian living in a fallen and sinful world.

That's not to say this conversation doesn't roll into Judgment Day talk. It does.

So, why do you think Jesus told His disciples such terrifying things? Was He teaching them how to have some special apocalyptic foresight? Was He teaching them how to read and interpret these strange and terrible signs so they could prophesy about ominous things to come?

No! He was telling them these things so they wouldn't lose their faith when the going got tough. He was teaching faithfulness, not prophecy. He was giving them a good healthy dose of reality.

"Stay faithful. Trust in Me above all things, not just in the good times when it's easy, but also in the bad times to come – especially in the bad times to come." Stay faithful. Life still went on after the terrifying events of Good Friday, didn't it? Life is still going on now, despite all the calamity and terror we've witnessed in our lives.

The truth is this: Life isn't easy in this world of ours. It's especially difficult when it's a life lived in faith. However, take heart. Nothing has ever overtaken us except that which is common to all people. We have not been singled out. All people are hurting, the same as us. If it seems to us that they have it easy, you are wrong. No one has it easy. The crosses we bear are all custom-made.

Please join us this Sunday, Nov. 18, as we talk further about end times.

As always, lunch will be served following our 11 a.m. worship and for all those in need of nonperishable food items, please join us for our monthly food cupboard from 1 to 2 p.m.

All are welcome so come as you are!

Chris DelCol is pastor of First Lutheran Church in Lucerne, Calif. The church is located at 3863 Country Club Drive, telephone 707-274-5572. Email Pastor Chris at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Thank you, Tom Owen, with your help with this article!

On Nov. 11, 1918, the war to end all wars ended. That’s what we have prayed for “peace” since the end of that ugly war.

Unfortunately, war continues and there is no end in sight.

Thank you to all veterans this day and always for your sacrifice.

The wounds didn’t end on the battlefield, they were carried home in caskets and emotional distress and every day we deal with the reality of PTSD, homeless vets, and in some cases the only way out in the minds of some … suicide. The ruins of war seem like they will never end. God help us find peace!

Many times, when you talk about war in our country you could easily get an argument started. Some people think we should be in the Middle East. Some people think we shouldn’t. Some people think all war is bad. Some people think war is sometimes the only way of securing peace.

For some people the war is an opportunity to bash the president, no matter who that person may be. For some people the war is close to home because a loved one is right in the thick of it.

Honestly, I get so sick of the war being used as an item of contention. Many people have forgotten about right and wrong, and here we are today, 100 years since the end of the war to end all wars! And we still fight. It makes no sense!

You know what I think? I think we need to get used to the fact that as long as we’re on this side of eternity, there’s going to be war! There always has been and there always will be.

As a matter of fact, there’s a war going on that’s far more serious than the war on terrorism. A war that’s been going on for thousands of years. A war whose effects are eternal. I’m talking about the war for our souls. The spiritual battle that will determine where our eternal soul will reside forever.

It’s a battle that no one can escape. It’s a battle that has winners and losers. And it’s a battle whose end is certain.

The earthly consequences of war are tough to deal with, but nothing compared to the eternal consequences. The pain from the spanking will wear off. The jail time will end. The embarrassment and shame will eventually dissolve.

But eternity, well, it has no end.

Sounds like a tough war that we’re in. Sounds like a losing effort. After all, who can be perfect enough, good enough, righteous enough to always do right and impress God so much that we will go to heaven? None of us can do that. Some people think they can, but they’re sadly mistaken. Eternity is a gift of grace from God and there is nothing we can do to earn it.

Jesus knew this too. Jesus knew that in our sinful, fallen state, we have no chance to redeem ourselves. That is why He alone had to carry the burden as the wars rage.

I pray that we will stop for a minute this Veterans Day and focus on the cross of Christ as we rebuild our community and maybe even reach out to the hand of Christ waiting for each of us to assure our life everlasting.

Come this Sunday as we celebrate the sacrifices made by many for the cause of freedom and peace in our country.

Join us for worship at 11 a.m. and join us for a time of fellowship and a great lunch following service.

All are welcome, so come as you are!

Chris DelCol is pastor of First Lutheran Church in Lucerne, Calif. The church is located at 3863 Country Club Drive, telephone 707-274-5572. Email Pastor Chris at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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