Sunday, 29 September 2024

Sabatier: Lend a hand whenever you can

Please know that all agencies involved are doing their best to prepare for the repopulation of the areas that are still under mandatory evacuation.

It has been a slow day today as half of our resources have been taken away to deal with fires that are currently threatening other residential areas.

For the most part from what I saw today taking a boat tour with the sheriffs, there were only a few hot spots left on the Clearlake area of the fire, but there were more very visible hotspots in the Elem Tribe area on the north and northeastern part of our peninsula.

Be vigilant if you live in this area, just in case that something flares back up as the winds are blowing at a decent speed.

I have not heard of any reason to be frightened or panicked about the situation, just make sure you have a full battery charge on your phone, gas in your car, just in case something does happen.

I just woke up from a long nap that obviously my body and mind needed to deal with the lack of sleep that I've endured, as well as others, during the past couple of days. I know I've been trying my best, as have many others, to keep you posted on the fire status, but I have not had the chance to say my thank yous.

To our local Fire Departments, CalFire, and local police enforcement, your efforts at saving lives, and saving homes are beyond outstanding. I have watched you working tirelessly day in and day out until we reach 100% containment. You are organized, you are thoughtful and the respect given is incredible. I'll quote one of the officers that came to help when we asked what their agency was willing to do. "You tell us what we need to do we're here to help you in any way we can. This is your house and we're here to help." Thank you.

To our Salvation Army, Red Cross, Twin Pine Casino and Grace Church, your volunteerism to help those displaced by fire is honorable and memorable. You are our first line in supporting people's hierarchy of needs. Mental support, food, sleep, and you even helped with the animals. I can't thank you enough. I want to single out Twin Pine Casino for being our rock through each and every fire in our county. You don't even blink an eye before you say "yes, we need to help." Thank you.

To our city staff here in Clearlake. We had Public Works, our Parks Department, Code Enforcement and more working 12-hour shifts all through the night and day to keep those barricades up. I know from doing my own barricade at Burns Valley near the public library and helping at the Lakeshore and Olympic barricade that it is a difficult task to hear everyone's story as to why they need to go back into the evac zone. You are possibly the most hated in this event as you are the ones holding people back from going back to the lives they believe they may have lost, but your efforts kept people safe, kept people's homes safe, and provided the space needed for our first responders and agencies to complete the work to get people back home as soon as possible. Thank you.

Last but not least, I want to single out some people. Russ Perdock, Phil Harris, Nick Bennett and Joyce Overton, Greg Folsom, Tim Celli and Doug Herren. Because of you, the process to repopulate was done days in advance of what we originally estimated would happen. Because of you, communication to the public was constant and the organization of the town hall meetings allowed evacuees and residents to know what was happening.

I know that I worked and stood side by side with Russ and Phil for more than 16 hours each day, sometimes even longer, especially on day one. Thank you. This is the type of leadership that Clearlake needs.

While some have found their homes intact and have repopulated others are still waiting to go home or waiting to look at what is left of their homes. We all have friends that have lost something in this fire and it's important that we support one another.

Even the roller coaster ride of not knowing and finally finding your home intact requires a certain amount of support. Support is not needed only for those who have lost something.

We all know each other in this city, let's hold each other up, let's offer one another a hand. I say this not only for moral and mental support, but also for physical support. In the days ahead we are already preparing for a cleanup effort. It will be vital to get this done ASAP so that our lake and our environment does not get any more negatively affected by this fire.

Lend a shoulder, and lend a hand when and wherever you can when the opportunity arises. Make sure to stop and thank those people above that I mentioned. I am so proud to have worked with them. I am filled with sadness in my heart as I've held close friends in my arms who have lost homes in this fire, but we have been brought closer together than any other time I've ever felt.

To those in Middletown, Lower Lake, Cobb, and other fire survivors. I thought I empathized and understood your emotions and your experiences. I lied, I thought I did, but I didn't. I have never wanted to cry as much as I have in the past two days knowing that we can feel that helpless when faced with such danger. I understand, and my heart goes out to everyone affected by this fire and all previous fires.

Lastly, to those unknown heroes who helped their neighbors, or took a boat from across the lake to help save people in harm's way, or those who randomly brought food and water to evacuees. Your love in your hearts will never be forgotten and I can't thank you enough.

Stay strong, be safe, and let's keep our neighboring brothers and sisters in our thoughts and in our hearts as they battle other blazes that surround us.

Sorry so long, but my mind has been busy with my thoughts.

Bruno Sabatier is vice mayor of the city of Clearlake, Calif., which has suffered significant loss during the Sulphur fire.

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