Saturday, 28 September 2024

Enough is enough

Laurelee Roark and her two dogs on the march. Courtesy photo.



On Sunday, March 18, my two dogs and I along with tens of thousands of our peacenik friends marched from the San Francisco ferry building to the civic center. In a rainbow of colors, ages and organizations we chanted slogans, sung songs of peace, beat drums and growled at the war in Iraq, as well as the politicians who put us there. The sheer number of people stretching for three plus miles and spanning the entire length of Market Street brought tears in my eyes and a fire in my belly.

I have been marching against wars for over 30 years. Later in the day, I was asked by a Republican friend of mine, "Well, how's it working so far?" The only answer I have is, "It is for the experience of being with like-minded people that makes me show up to every peace rally, each and every single time I can."

Being a very progressive liberal who is outspoken against the war and the policies of a failed war-mongering administration, sometimes I feel very lonely. Especially with the right-wing media yelling that it is the anti-war people who are the ones not supporting the troops. All that is needed to see

how crazy that might be is to be reminded about the Walter Reed Hospital scandal.

As the fourth anniversary of the start of the Iraq war arrives it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that we, the people of the United States, are systematically and constantly told the exact opposite of the truth.

However, being at a place where peace is affirmed by thousands of Americans simply brings me back to reality. As I saw this weekend, there is a huge ground swell of just plain everyday people who want and demand that the war machine stop now.

No more killing. No more bombing. No more. Not in our name, not for our country and not for our children or grandchildren. The people who lied us into this war must be brought to trial, impeached and then put in prison for the rest of their natural lives.

We have had enough. Three thousand of our bravest young men and women and thousands of innocent Iraqis is more than enough. Vote. Get on your feet and march. Find your voice and call your elected official. Like Vietnam, the war will not stop until we make it stop.

As the old anti-war song goes, "What do we want? Peace! When do we want it? Now!"

Laurelee Roark lives Clearlake Oaks with her husband and two dogs.

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