Sunday, 29 September 2024

Tabacchi: Do the MATH

The Middletown Area Town Hall (MATH) is thriving as we enter our ninth year as a municipal advisory council.

First, I want to acknowledge the leadership provided by the late Martha Webster during the early formation of the council. Martha was a mentor to me.

What is MATH’s purpose?

We create a forum in which South County residents can participate in the decision-making processes which impact their communities. MATH serves the communities of Anderson Springs, Hidden Valley Lake, Middletown and Cobb.

MATH’s governing board serves to provide a structure for the meetings, facilitate discussion and communicate the membership’s decisions to county officials. We are the area’s liaison to the Board of Supervisors.

During public input sessions, members often express concerns unique to their neighborhoods or inform others of events and developments taking place in their communities.

If there is sufficient interest within the membership, their concerns can be included in future agendas.

Two of MATH’S most recent successes include completion of the Middletown Square Park and the Middletown Community Action Plan (MCAP).

The MCAP positions Middletown to apply for grants designed to improve safety and aesthetics along the State Route 29 corridor. 

Ongoing projects include creation of a dog park, road improvements, movies in the park, and promotion of a chili and salsa cook-off fundraiser for our senior center.

Our numbers have grown in recent months. We are consistently seeing new faces and hearing from fresh voices.

Breathing room is provided for the diversity of beliefs and opinions being expressed. Anyone attending our monthly meetings may submit a motion, provide direction on any agenda item and cast their vote. We encourage all area residents to participate in the democratic process.

Although MATH does not endorse specific candidates for elected office, we do host candidate forums and invite elected officials to be guest speakers. This empowers constituents to communicate their concerns to our local, state, and federal officials.

On Friday, April 10, Assemblyman Bill Dodd will be our guest. You are invited to join the conversation which begins at 7 p.m. 

What are your hopes or concerns for your community and south Lake County?

If you want to be a contribution to your community and influence its future, MATH is a forum for you to demonstrate this.

Meetings are held on the second Thursday evening beginning at 7 p.m. at the Middletown Community Center, 21256 Washington St.

The MATH email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Do the MATH!

Mike Tabacchi of Middletown, Calif., is as MATH Board member.

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