Sunday, 29 September 2024

Glasser: Cocktails anyone?

“Cocktails anyone?”

Don’t drink? Don’t have to. Just step outside and get a whiff of what the aerial mixologists have for you and not in the traditional sense.

You see, you don’t have to drink. All you have to do is breathe. Sounds like a crazy notion, doesn’t it? I know. It sounds crazy to me which is why I nearly didn’t write this commentary.

I use the word commentary because it’s being published in the section reserved for opinion so you see, the news media that publishes it is not responsible for what I think or what I say and for understandable reasons, it might serve their best interest to disclaim any association with my comments or beliefs. After all, it’s just my opinion so I’ll thank the editor for running my letter and you decide what is fact and fiction.

I don’t take any special delight in writing this story, no more than I would in writing an obituary but people nonetheless read death notices in the paper just as they do wedding and birth announcements so as I see it, someone has to do it.

In my case however, this being a relatively small county, population wise, I don’t want to be known as the whacko who’s delusional any more than I wanted to be identified with the “tin hat” people when I wrote about what I perceived to be the dangers posed by Smart Meters but it seemed that I wasn’t alone on that one and for awhile at least, it was a subject on many people’s minds until like most things, it went to the back of the line to be replaced by tomorrow’s headlines and our every day lives.

Take heart if you believe anything you read here that you are not alone and that millions of people all over the globe have asked the same question that may be on your mind and they’re not crazy either. They’re not the people you see on the History Channel who claim to have been abducted by aliens from outer space and they don’t spend their nights in the woods looking for Bigfoot. No, they’re not that entertaining.

These are by any standards that most of you would accept, otherwise quite normal, down-to-earth people who weren’t looking for anything weird but who nonetheless found themselves confronted with some legitimate questions about what they were seeing up in the sky.

They found in sharing their stories that they were not alone and over the last few years, more and more people probably not so perceivably different than you were asking the same questions and when they turned to the media or any recognized authority for answers, they found themselves puzzled because they couldn’t get an answer that made sense.

Even more puzzling was the question, why isn’t there anything being said about these phenomena on the mainstream media? After all, if it’s not being covered by CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, 60 Minutes, the nightly network news or whatever you use to get your information, then it must not even be happening so why even worry about it, right?

I really can’t stress enough that I resisted writing this commentary because like most people, I do care about what people may think of me and I don’t think anyone wants to be identified as a lunatic because of what others may perceive to be outrageous beliefs that they hold. I’m also not the guy who’d yell fire for no reason unless I really believed there was one and in this case, I’m afraid I have to throw caution to the wind and just come out with it.

The short story is that we’re being sprayed from the air by what most eye witness accounts report are unmarked aircraft and it’s happening at an ever increasing rate and all over the world. Crazy? Yes, I agree! Maddening I’d say. But don’t take my word for it. See for yourself. Take a look up on what used to be one of those picture perfect blue sky days we’ve all grown very familiar with in Lake County and ask what’s wrong with this picture? I assure you, you won’t be the first.

You might start by asking people who spend a lot of their lives working outdoors what they think they’ve seen and if anything has struck them as a bit unusual.

The common official myth debunking reply is, they’re nothing but contrails, the same trails of jet exhaust we’ve seen in our skies all our lives.

If you drill deeper and ask, but what about the trails that crisscross in unusual patterns and that linger and stretch from horizon to horizon and that last for hours and leave behind a milky white mist where there was a blue sky, you’ll pretty much get the same answer as you will when you ask about those clouds that look kind of like clouds but not really.  

So when all’s said and done, you may be left with an uneasy feeling that something is wrong but there’s really no one to ask and no where to turn for information or is there?

But don’t shrug your shoulders yet and go away thinking, there’s no one ask, there’s no one to tell and there’s nothing you can do and by all means don’t get pushed in to denial because you don’t want to be labeled as cuckoo or because it’s just too terrible to think that this could be happening even though you know your eyes aren’t lying to you.

You might be interested to know that there’s some pretty amazing videography of these events and some startling pictures taken by local residents who had questions about what they observed in the sky and wanted to document what they saw.

What I think is even more amazing is that this is being photographed simultaneously all over the world and there are thousands of photographs and stories that all seem to point to the same question, “What in the world are they spraying?” which also happens to be the name of a 2010 documentary you can view on the Internet and probably even more provocative, “Why in the World are they Spraying?” released just last year which may answer some questions you have as well as raise some more worth asking. This film doesn’t claim to have all the answers but in my opinion, it should raise some doubts as to what the official explanation is for what we’re all seeing.

If I’ve done nothing more than make you curious enough to wonder if there’s anything to this, then I feel I’ve done what I set out to do. Just go to your Web browser and type in: Chemtrails. There’s a ton of information out there if you want it and some very I think legitimate sources who are feeling comfortable enough to come out of the shadows knowing that there are those of us who are willing to be called crazy if that’s what it sometimes takes to get to the truth.

Howard Glasser lives in Kelseyville, Calif.

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