Sunday, 29 September 2024

Farrington: Setting the record straight on Murphy’s Measure E claims

Phil Murphy’s commentary on Measure E warrants a response to set the record straight.  

Mr. Murphy stated that the Board of Supervisors only “made one attempt to get funding from Yolo.”

This statement is untrue. Our board formed an ad hoc committee with Yolo Flood years ago that held frequent meetings where both entities discussed cost-sharing for lake-related programs and in particular to prevent the infestation of the zebra and quagga mussels.

Mr. Murphy has never attended any of these meetings; as such I find it disturbing that he would proclaim to know the content of these meetings.

In addition, Mr. Murphy stated that the Middle Creek Restoration Project was to be completed by 2008. He is once again mistaken – this project is a 30-year project.

To date, the county has spent $6.25 million in acquiring properties for the purpose of restoring crucial wetlands to reduce the nutrient loading into Clear Lake; however, we still need approximately $30 million to complete this project. Measure E will provide matching monies for both state and federal grants to assist us in completing the Middle Creek project.

Mr. Murphy also attacks a “draft expenditure plan” that was created by county staff.

This draft plan has caused much confusion because people who have reviewed this plan wrongfully assumed that this was a final plan.

Since the first draft was created, staff has created at least two other drafts that provide other options as to how Measure E monies could be spent.

One thing that Mr. Murphy got right was the makeup of the citizen’s oversight committee. The primary purpose of the committee is to review the annual independent audit and make sure that Measure E monies are spent properly.

Secondly, the committee is to recommend a detailed plan as to how these monies should be spent, and ensure that said expenditures are proportional in the interests of the county, the cities of Clearlake and Lakeport.

As for Mr. Murphy’s plan for the county to take over the Vector Control District, I would argue the following.  

Lake weeds and algae are not considered vectors, and would not qualify for funding. In addition, it is highly unlikely that the mussels would be considered a vector.  

In short, if the county cannot be trusted with Measure E monies as Mr. Murphy suggests, why would Mr. Murphy want the county to take over Vector Control?

Recent state legislation signed by Gov. Jerry Brown will not provide adequate funding for Lake County to prevent infestation, and if we are infested it is possible that our lake could be shut down like other lakes.

Measure E has broad support from the Lake County Chamber of Commerce, the Clearlake Chamber of Commerce, the Lake County Association of Realtors and the Sierra Club.

We as a community have the choice to chart Clear Lake’s future. Unfortunately, we cannot rely on Yolo, the state, and federal government to help us take care of Clear Lake – that responsibility lies with us.

Anthony Farrington is a members of the Board of Supervisors for Lake County, Calif.

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