Sunday, 29 September 2024

Thein: Team DUI saves lives

Team DUI successfully finished this school year, marking our sixth year of educating our youth on the true realities of driving under the influence.  

Our team would like to extend our appreciation to Lake County educators for their support in allowing us the opportunity to foster working partnerships with Lake County school districts, working together to help keep our youth and others safe.

Our team also would like to share our appreciation with the countless individuals throughout Lake County for your continual support.

Underage drinking is a serious problem throughout our nation. Alcohol is the drug of choice for youth and the leading cause of death and injuries among teenagers.  

Team DUI was formed as a countywide volunteer educational outreach program designed to raise awareness of the consequences and dangers of DUI through prevention with the focus on the youth of our communities in order to help prevent one more senseless death or injury.  

Because of the educational prevention efforts of Team DUI to help keep our roadways safer for everyone, injuries have been reduced and lives, young and old, have been saved and more will be saved.    

During this school year, Team DUI delivered 16 classroom and assembly presentations throughout Lake County schools, addressing students from seventh through 12th grade levels.  

We covered topics relating to driving under the influence, the impact it has on the victim, the offender, families, friends, the community and the value of parents discussing the issues with their children which has resulted in opening up needed lines of communication between parent and child.

Our team worked tirelessly to get our message across to our youth. Our speakers came forth with inspirational courage and fortitude as they endured months of emotional stress, reliving painful stories in order to help safeguard our youth now and into the future.   

Through Team DUI, not only were our youth better able to understand the legal consequences of DUI, they were also able to see and understand the other side of DUI; the side that has life altering consequences. Students listened with their minds and their hearts. Our team has made a major difference, working to change the culture among our youth as they cope with teen peer pressure.                 

Each member of Team DUI fulfills a different role, but the message we deliver is very powerful when we work together.

The members of Team DUI are extraordinary individuals who are inspirational in their dedication to the safety of our communities. Each member of Team DUI is a hero in their own right.  

Our team has touched the lives of many people throughout our entire county.

The legacy of Team DUI will live on in the lives of our youth as they will have a better chance to live to become responsible adults.

Never underestimate the power of the committed people of Team DUI to bring about change in the good fight against drinking and driving.

Team DUI wishes everyone a safe and enjoyable summer.

Judy Thein is founder of Team DUI. She also serves on the city council for Clearlake, Calif. For more information on Team DUI, call 994-8201, Extension 155.

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