Sunday, 29 September 2024

Voice of the Theatre: Visionaries leave mark on the community

I have a great appreciation for history and tradition. One of the many pleasures of living in a small community is that we experience the connection between our recent and historic past. We have many pieces of the past that we often just take for granted.

The Carnegie Library – a reflection of the vision of Andrew Carnegie to make possible a library in every town; the Clear Lake State Park – a vision of Lake County’s own Nellie Dorn to donate a prime piece of land for a state park; the vision of Ed Mansell – to build a gazebo in Library Park. These historical contributions to our community benefit us all to this day.

As with the Carnegie Library, the visionaries’ names remain connected to each; the State Park is fronted on Dorn Bay and the gazebo has a plaque dedicated to Ed Mansell.

The Soper-Reese Community Theatre is also one of these lasting symbols of our past that reminds us of our history, helping us develop our own history and adding to the quality of our lives.

The theater also holds the names of those who envisioned it; the Reeses who built it, Jim Soper who saw the vision of a performing arts venue and funded its purchase and the community who supported its resurrection.

Inside the theater are the names of those from the community who contributed to this vision. Below is one of the many stories that make up its history.

Hugh Jones, who grew up in Scotts Valley, writes: “During the pear harvest, many of the pear pickers were undocumented immigrants, and truly afraid of the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service). Once-a-week during the harvest season the theater showed a movie in Spanish for the people working the harvest. One night the INS surrounded the theater hoping to capture all those watching the movie. This would have impacted the local economy and the harvest, so Mr. Reese stopped the movie, went up on stage and explained what was going on outside. He told those present that he was closing the theater offered for everyone to stay in the theater overnight. He said he would be back in the morning to let everyone go safely home after the INS left. This is what took place and the harvest went on without further problems.”

The newest program at the Theatre is “Lake County Live.”

The first broadcast on Sunday, Jan. 29 – featuring live radio on stage at the Soper-Reese – was a tremendous success. A full house, many laughs, local music, singing, clapping and cheering was broadcast live to the households of Lake County via its own community radio station, KPFZ.

Lake County Live was the vision of Doug Rhoades. Well-deserved congratulations are in order to Doug and the group that helped him in this endeavor.

The next Lake County Live will be on Sunday, February 26, at 6 p.m. Seating by 5:45 p.m. is requested.

Coming up this month: The Lake County Theatre Co. will bring an adaptation of Neil Simon’s hilarious play, “The Odd Couple (Female Version),” on Friday, Feb. 24, and Saturday, Feb. 25, at 7 p.m.; Sunday, Feb. 26, at 2 p.m.; Saturday, March 3, and Sunday, March 4, at 7 p.m.; and Monday, March 5, at 2 p.m.

Tickets are now available at The Travel Center in the Shoreline Shopping Center, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The theater box office is now open on Fridays from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and two hours before show time on the day of an event and, of course, online at

For all the latest in information, tickets and more go to

We’ll see you at the theater.

If you have a story to share about the theater send it to Voice of the Theatre, 275 S. Main St, Lakeport, Ca. 95453.

Mike Adams is executive director of the Soper-Reese Community Theatre in Lakeport, Calif.

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