Sunday, 29 September 2024

BlueWolf: A future All-American conspiracy (and tongue-in-cheek fantasy)

We could see the writing on the laptop screen.

The Left wanted to redistribute our hard-earned wealth with socialist programs and entitlements for the poor and lazy; to abandon our Christian Conservative principles and Puritan values of thrift and work; to throw out our social culture to embrace homosexuality, abortion and other aberrant human activities; to encourage a multiculturalism that allowed minorities to speak in non-English languages and practice foreign customs; to re-entrench the labor movement and grow education systems that focused on teaching leftist agendas – in short, the Left was destroying our America.

Democracy wasn’t working for us anymore. The Dream of the Founding Fathers was never supposed to represent the ideas of so many different kinds of Americans, it was made to represent ours, the true Americans.

And so, we, the Christian God-fearing Conservatives who had controlled this country since the early 1800s decided that enough was enough.

First we began our propaganda and disinformation programs, utilizing a fractured media to target our base with short catch phrases and facts, real or imagined, that supported our ideals.

After mobilizing the bigoted and racist elements that couldn’t stand the election of a black president, and by publicly decrying the disintegration of our Anglo-Saxon culture and conservative values, we won a decisive victory in the House of Representatives and the state governorships.

We knew that peoples from our base would respond to our attacks on unions because of our state’s rights positions and our “no taxes, especially for corporations and the wealthy” approach to solving state insolvencies.

By not supporting new sources of revenues, and by protecting our wealthy private and corporate benefactors, we struck a blow at public services government in general – eliminating public sector positions like teachers, policemen, prison guards and city janitors while stripping the budgets of higher education, welfare, childcare, health-care and other social support programs.

We knew that the silent majority would let it happen without realizing the full effects of these changes on the society at large. We counted on these destabilizing changes to polarize the communities and push citizens into opposing camps according to their political beliefs.

We predicted that the economy would shut down again from these drastic cuts to entitlement programs and government safety net systems.

Unemployment, homelessness and hunger increased again – creating more unrest. Public schools began to shut down, tent cities grew, and more and more of the middle and poorer class Americans began facing a crisis of access to basic necessities.

Eventually they began to demonstrate, and as the demonstrations failed to accomplish the reinstatement of their socialist society, the gatherings became violent – with a little help from our paid provocateurs.

Our state governors had already put in place the processes to dissolve local governments, privatize former government services, and institute martial law to insure order.

We had also opened a second front for putting forward our cause, just in case. By cutting the corporate tax rates and controlling the Supreme Court to give our corporations and wealthiest citizens a bigger voice in the elections process, we achieved a much greater control of the government.

By the time our large, poorer conservative base realized that our goals weren’t about their basic prejudices and moral repugnance at Leftist “live and let live” ideals, but about control of the populace and government by our elite aristocracy, it was too late. We had gained control by fomenting citizen unrest and also by increasing our economic control of government decision-making – creating the aristocracy that our most respected founders, Adams and Madison, envisioned.

This was our endgame, to purposely divide the lower strata of society into “us and them,” forcing our democratic republic to become less and less democratic through control of the electoral systems and lobbying.

We decided that for us to hold the control the government and the society, we had to take the reins, even if that meant becoming more totalitarian.

The loss of freedoms the lower class would experience, and particularly the collapse of public education, would allow us to carry our goals well into the future as the coming generations would become less and less capable of mounting educated, intellectually thought-out plans to oppose us.

Our media policy of endless repetition and sound bites would keep them in line, especially if we continued to push entertainment and consumerism to keep them distracted from their loss of freedoms. A general desire for control of public violence supported our use of force.

We have almost achieved our goals. Just one more significant terrorist attack within our borders and we will have the control we want. Our America will be saved. Ends always justify the means.

James BlueWolf lives in Nice, Calif.

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