Sunday, 29 September 2024

Ravenwoode: Is democracy breaking out in Egypt?

I felt the same jubilation as the people of Egypt when President Mubarak resigned from office. This is a “moment” of perfection for democratically governed nations; and a testament to the organizing grass roots power of the internet.


The United States government and the international media must closely monitor what takes place in the next weeks and months, as the Egyptian Military Council takes over the country. As President Obama stated, “The transition must be an orderly, peaceful and meaningful change toward a true democracy. And it must start now.”


So who gets the credit for millions of people in Egypt peacefully demonstrating for democracy?


First, honors go the people of Egypt who stood up to a dictator.


Second, honors go to American ingenuity for developing the Internet, which become the medium to allow this pro-democracy movement to communicate, expand and succeed.


Third, the international media who reported on this moment in history, have made it possible for us to witness.


Fourth, honors must go to a long-term United States diplomatic policy, initiated over 30 years ago.


This policy established that the U.S. military would train the Egyptian military, thereby keeping close ties, with not only their government, but their military.


Originally, this policy was created to ensure, in the event of an Islamic fundamentalist takeover, a U.S influenced military would be present at the highest level and ready to impact a new Egyptian government.


So who knew … the change would be from young, educated, Internet-influenced youth, who took the time to study a democratic form of government; and thereby be inspired to peacefully overthrow a dictator.


Who was the military advisor or State Department official who crafted this long-term diplomatic policy? Right now, the American public does not know. And we may never know. But I believe we must honor every U.S. President from Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama who had the intelligence and wisdom to “maintain” this policy over a 30-year period.


I am proud of all the American presidents who preserved this U.S.-Egyptian military connection. It is a testament to the value of looking beyond the short-term and having faith in the power of long-term policies. And a re-affirmation that the people of this world, after all the hardship they endure under dictatorships, will gradually move to democracy as a form of government. People want representative government. They want to elect their officials.


In conclusion, I want our elected government leaders to learn from the Egyptian pro-democracy movement. I want the American people to appreciate and understand the visionary form of government so wisely created by the framers of our Constitution.


I want elected officials (whether Republican, Democrat, Independent or Tea Party members) to start loving their country, more than their party. I want them to work together to make an America other countries continue to emulate.


I want our state and local government officials to speak to the public in a respectful tone of voice, and I want the public to give our elected officials that same courtesy and respect.


America is “the global role model” for democracy. As such, we owe it to the world to act like mature individuals who can more respectfully entertain a difference of opinion and negotiate compromises for the benefit of all Americans. As a leader, we owe this to the world.


Anna Rose Ravenwoode lives in Kelseyville, Calif.

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