Sunday, 29 September 2024

Buter: Investing in Clearlake

County Mental health staff has proposed to the Board of Supervisors an action to consider the construction of a mental health building in the heart of Lucerne, along what locally is known as the Strand.

This raises an issue of changing Lucerne from a tourist destination to a county government satellite that could change the dynamics of the area.

My feeling is this investment is counter to the intention of the redevelopment expenditure previously spent. The county has invested millions of dollars already into creating the entire Northshore as a tourist draw.

From my perspective, I see a need for the supervisors to spread a little of the taxpayers money around

in different areas of the county.

My belief is, they should be looking at what area of the county could benefit the most from government investment. They should look at property already owned by a government, rather than grabbing one more piece of private land. They should be looking at what location suits the largest amount of people when they spend taxpayer dollars.

The airport property in Clearlake is a better suited site for construction of a government complex to

service the citizens already begging for satellite services.

The capital expenditure required to build a multi story complex could be spent building a single story building of greater square footage. The building could house county service representatives from varying departments. The sheriff’s office could be expanded to better accommodate the employees working the south district.

Given the politically sensitive issue of the current proposal for a Lowe's, and the money some claim

will be spent defending the Lowe's project; this could be a viable alternative for both the county

representatives and the Clearlake representatives to consider.

Those who are concerned about environmental impacts in the county could argue that a government

service building in the city of Clearlake would decrease the amount of emissions by lowering driving to

Lakeport. The roadways will see less wear and tear, traffic could be lowered and perhaps a few more

deer will live to see another day.

The citizens of the Southlake district will save thousands of dollars in making single reason trips. It would be a shorter trip to conduct county business. Given the tight budgets many are living with, it could make a difference in their quality of life.

The city of Clearlake would benefit from having a dependable source of income from a reliable tenant.

This also creates a complex where state government, such as the Department of Motor Vehicles, could lease space and as needs arise additional buildings could be built.

The property is large enough that the city of Clearlake could maintain a portion of the roadway section to sell off or lease to business requiring a smaller building footprint.

The city of Clearlake would be able to spend their redevelopment money on the preexisting areas of

commerce. Lakeshore businesses can benefit from a revitalization process once the funds are freed

from the airport.

Although most people do not realize it, there is a greater area of the county in the south district then

there is in the north district. The taxpayer money in the county seems to be spent disproportionately in the north over the south.

The Board of Supervisors is a compilation of people who are supposed to represent their own districts and the county as a whole. The health of the city of Clearlake, the service of all county residents in all parts of the county, and a resolution to this ongoing discussion over the airport can all be addressed.

The supervisors need to look at the city of Clearlake as part of the county family and not the red-headed stepchild as they have in the past. Clearlake can once again be the shining jewel she once was.

The county is going to spend the money, so why not service the Southlake and the citizens?

Keith Buter lives in Lucerne, Calif.

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