Sunday, 29 September 2024

Montoliu: No vision of sanity is offered

It is a rather common mistake today among new agers and other metaphysical types to state that spirituality and abundance go hand in hand.

As their politically conservative counterparts, they seem to believe that God wants all of us to become filthy rich, regardless of the cost to the environment or to poor nations.

But here wealth is defined in specific cultural, social and historical terms, that have absolutely nothing to do with either natural or divine law.

The natural order is merely concerned with the fulfillment of real needs, not with the accumulation of unnecessary possessions or symbols of riches. Trees do not grow more roots that they need, and lions do not kill more zebras than they can eat.

Only humanity is concerned with the building of capital, which leads to wealth and is erroneously associated with the idea of abundance by pseudo-spiritual new age gurus.

The rule of abundance is to satisfy actual needs in harmony and accordance with natural law, not to satisfy greed in accordance with competitive and alienating social standards.

Abundance leads to sharing, not to the selfish individual hoarding of wealth. As nature does not hoard its riches, neither does the natural man or woman who lives according to natural and divine law.

When sharing is allowed as a constant practice, the question of wealth, of capital, becomes irrelevant. No one needs be a millionaire, no one needs to live in a mansion or own an estate, as all share in the bounty of the earth, and none is left behind to suffer abject poverty, exploitation, abuse, neglect.

The spiritual way is to be contented satisfying authentic basic human needs, not to seek wealth and luxury according to the myth that we all can and must become rich within a destructive and predatory system.

The pseudo-spiritual crowd as well as the conservatives who espouse the view that God rewards the virtuous with gold bullions and punish the sinner with poverty miss the fact that the accumulation of capital, or wealth, is only relevant in a system funded on alienation and insecurity, a social structure rooted in the unintelligent and unnatural principle of the survival of the fittest.

Contrary to the common myth, it is natural for nature to cooperate, and unrealistic to perceive nature to amount to nothing more than a chaotic and meaningless food chain, a grouping of digestive systems equipped with fangs and claws that have no other purpose or preoccupation, beside procreation, than struggling endlessly to eat one another.

In truth natural and reasonable predation is part of a natural cooperation, for the natural predator, unlike man, does not seek the total annihilation of the prey.

Only man, in his delusion, seeks the total elimination of competitive elements, and absolute supremacy over all life. Only man experience near absolute insecurity because of having created warlike social conditions whereby he has become its own greatest enemy, and can trust no one, not even himself.

Only man needs creating 100,000 laws enforced by threats and coercion to protect himself from his out of control and totally unnatural predatory mindset.

These topics are however not discussed by people who are not accustomed to question anything, who are educated to comply rather than think, and to think as taught rather than feel.

For if people felt with their heart and soul, they would understand the natural human drives of cooperation, of needing to give and share, of compassion, of social harmony and equity.

They would feel the total absurdity of merciless competition, of having created a society that resemble a battlefield, where the victorious, the winner, crushes and enslaves the so-called weak, the meek, the disadvantaged. Where the powerful, privileged or ambitious takes advantage of the misery or failures of others….and single mothers, adolescents, families become homeless while the filthy rich becomes forever more bloated with obscene wealth and more controlling and arrogant.

It is possible that a majority of people vaguely feel something is rotten in Denmark. The widespread use of alcohol, hard drugs, anti-depressant medications, tranquilizers, the epidemic of mental illness and addictions seem to speak of a general state of malaise among the general population, who appears to be falling apart and to reach for whatever is available to attempt to cope with a crazy-making social structure and culture.

Yet as no vision of sanity is offered, and the population is made to believe alienation, competition and insecurity are natural conditions, and reality is harsh and life destined to be as hard and cold as a tombstone, the only solution people envision is personal escape or individual survival, in whatever forms these selfish paths take, that perpetuate the pathology of the system.

Raphael Montoliu lives in Lakeport, Calif.

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