Sunday, 29 September 2024

Natural health: A look at a controversial cancer treatment

As a naturopath and health researcher for the last 18 years I’ve seen a lot of “latest and greatest” in “miracle” nutrients and herbs come down the endless flowing river of research into the health and wellness field.

Many are of little value or too expensive for the average consumer and yet, I must say, once in a while I find an herb, nutrient or device that is truly remarkable.

For the next three or four articles I will focus on these findings. One is an electronic device and the others are herbs or nutrients that are so powerful they are becoming a foundation of my practice.

Several years ago I started hearing about something called the Rife Frequency Generator as a miraculous tool for defeating cancer, and a host of other diseases.

As a naturopath with my ear constantly open to encouraging developments in the battle for your health, I took notice, but I never seriously investigated the claim until early in 2009. At that point my good friend Scott lent me his unit for my practice.

I spent hours researching its creator (Royal Raymond Rife, 1888-1971) and finally took a trip up to Arcata to a clinic I was familiar with to talk to a woman who has a thriving practice just using her many Rife Generators and ionic foot bathes. Her clients kept coming back for treatments because they got great results.

She gave me a wonderful DVD on Rife’s life and his extraordinary achievements. His is a long and truly remarkable life fraught with great achievement, drama and intrigue. It’s chronicled in the book “The Cancer Cure That Worked” by Barry Lyons. It would be easy to paint even a summery of Rife’s great scientific works but I encourage you to go online and pick up a copy of the book.

In any case the generator is programmed to deliver micro current technology to destroy virtually all known pathogenic bacteria, virus and fungi. This is so because all life forms have a micro electric signature that maintains their life force.

Rife spent years with his remarkable microscope (the first dark field or live cell microscope) discovering and cataloging the bio current of these bacteria and other micro-organisms. Having done that he began delivering micro current energy to destroy these organisms without harming the host, first with smaller mammals and finally in 1934, 16 stage four terminal cancer patients.

It was a 70-day trial sponsored by the University of Southern California and overseen by Milbank Johnson, M.D., head of the Southern California Medical Society. By the end of the trial (as chronicled in the above-mentioned biography) 14 of the 16 terminal patients were cancer free while the remaining two took another 60 days to be cured. They received no other treatments or dietary modifications.

Cancer was cured in 1934. The remainder of Rife’s story is one of jealousy and suppression.

Rife developed the Rife Ray Tube Corporation to educate and sell his generator but the head of the American Medical Association wanted controlling interest in the corporation. Rife would not allow this. Eventually the AMA director had Rife’s lab destroyed and his frequency generator denounced and suppressed.

Over the remainder of Rife’s life he further perfected and developed the generator with other scientists. He passed away in 1971 but left a remarkable legacy for humanity.

Steven West, ND is a Kelseyville- based naturopath and nutritionist. He graduated form the Institute for Natural Health Studies and has been in practice in California for 18 years. Listen to his radio show, “Holistically Speaking,” on KPFZ 88.1 FM every Monday from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. for more life-saving information on health and wellness. The show repeats at 11 a.m. on Tuesdays.

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