Sunday, 29 September 2024

MacDougall: Doing our best to keep kids healthy at KUSD

The weather is starting to change, but the influenza (flu) season has arrived earlier this year due to the arrival of the H1N1 flu virus.

The Konocti Unified School District has been having regular meetings regarding the H1N1 and seasonal flu since the end of last year in preparation for this time. The school sites are taking a lead role in educating our students and families in ways to remain healthy during this flu season.

Here is what our district is doing:

  • Closely monitoring all information coming from the California Department of Education and Lake County Public Health.

  • Monitoring our attendance to make sure that students who are ill are staying home until they are no longer contagious.

  • Increasing our frequency of cleaning germ “hot spots” such as desks, tables, door knobs, light switches, faucets, and bus seats.

  • Keeping classrooms, buses and other facilities fully stocked with the necessary disinfectant materials.

  • Placing reminder signs in bathrooms for students to wash their hands and students are also reminded to wash their hands upon returning from recess or bathroom.

  • All staff members are monitoring the bus, classrooms, and the campus for students who show signs of illness, such as frequent coughing, and these students are sent to the office to be medically cleared or sent home.

  • Educating kids in healthy habits. Students are corrected when they make unhealthy choices and praised when they make healthy choices.

As a community we need to work together to help teach each other and our children healthy habits which will help reduce all illnesses (not just the flu). If everyone works hard we can maintain and improve the health of our community.

Here are the healthy habits that we believe need to be enforced and reinforced by parents, staff members and our community:

  • Get vaccinated (if recommended by your health care provider).

  • Stay home if you are sick and try to avoid contact with sick people.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for 20 seconds (sing “Happy Birthday” to yourself twice).

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth (viruses can spread when your hands touch surfaces that may be infested with germs).

  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and remember to throw away the tissue (then wash your hands). If you have no tissue, use the inside of your elbow and be sure to cover your nose and mouth.

  • Do not share drinks, water bottles, eating utensils, cell phones or makeup.

A parent’s decision to keep a child home from school when sick can sometimes be a difficult one. No parent wants to interrupt their child’s learning and, for some, keeping a child home means missing work or losing pay.

However, if a child has a serious illness such as influenza (flu), it’s important for the child to stay home from school for the recommended seven-day period of time.

The key is to closely monitor your child for signs of illness on a daily basis:

  • If you have a stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat and a hacking cough you probably have a cold;

  • If you have a fever higher than 100 degrees, severe headache, muscle and body aches, extreme tiredness and a dry cough, you probably have the flu.

If you suddenly find yourself sick or have a sick family member and are unsure what steps to take, contact your health care provider for treatment advice. Please feel free to contact your neighborhood school for further information and assistance.

Dr. William MacDougall, Ed.D., is superintendent of the Konocti Unified School District.

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