Sunday, 29 September 2024

Crandell: A response to Medina's claims about tribal evictions

As an advocate for the Robinson Rancheria membership that protests the leadership Nicholas Medina attempts to defend, I can first and foremost state that it is a sad attempt to instigate negativity in all directions “Medina: Tribe disputes eviction story,” Sunday, Sept. 13). He desires to discredit the editor, degrade the memberships’ complaints and put a spin on their efforts to evict those who simply oppose them.

Nick solely wants to demean our efforts for his belief that our tribal issues should stay in a tribal forum that he and his leadership control. They do not want to reveal the way the Robinson Rancheria tribal leadership treats their constituents.

Nicholas Medina attempts to justify the evictions of issues that were prevalent for quite some time, and now in the light of disenrollment; have become key points of leverage in an attempt to rid us from their sight and mind.

They intend to neutralize our efforts that will prove their lack of adherence to federal regulations, federal funding agencies, The Indian Reorganization Act, Civil Rights Act (U.S. and Indian) and tribal constitutional laws.

Instead of resolving our tribal disputes, he would much rather argue his points of interest, to avoid touching on the real problem that led to where we are now: the June 14, 2008k election, and Oct. 25, 2008, general council meeting.

He has argued those “moot” points before and does not want to touch on subjects that question their integrity, would reveal their intention to gerrymander tribal elections, and uncover all actions of their goal to disenfranchise membership for higher profits to their selves and few supporting parties.

“A land use fee” is what he is referring to when describing tenants' “failure to pay rent”, and is what Nicholas Medina, Tracey Avila (tribal chair, “failure to pay rent” tenant since 2000), and Judy Anderson (appointed housing chair, “failure to pay rent” tenant since 2000 as well) had heavily opposed prior to 2006. They had convinced numerous members to not pay “land use fees” and promised membership they would wipe the slate clean once in power, of course because their slate was in the red as well. Now that it can be used as a tool to rid of people, why not.

Nicholas failed to mention that the Robinson Rancheria Housing Commission is a five-member board, comprised predominantly of his immediate family relatives: Judy Anderson (his mother), Deborah Anderson (sister of Judy, Nick’s aunt), Audrey Gutierrez (Judy’s niece, Nick's close cousin) and Michelle Monlo (Judy’s niece, Nick's close cousin). There is one non-immediate relative committee member, but any opposition would put that person in a position to be dealt with one way or another. Take into consideration the multiple Robinson employees, customers, members and sister Pomo tribal members who have been banned, beat up, demoted, disenrolled, or fired for opposition or even speculative opposition.

The same is true of the enrollment committee, election committee, and gaming commission; they are a cabinet of related individuals who carry out the same agenda that Nicholas and Tracey pursue. They know if they follow along they will reap the benefits of that same agenda. Is this nepotism or not? How can an individual tribal member receive fairness and due process from this totalitarian state ruled by the scheme of Nicholas Medina and Tracey Avila’s autocratic leadership?

They do not accept those who do not follow the status quo and their group think mentality of the “sovereignty cloak.” This belief is that they can do as they wish without any repercussions from any higher echelon, outside authority or entity. With our tax dollars, this group continues to mismanage, waste and utilize federal dollars to their tribal political advantage with the “sovereignty cloak” mindset. They are ruining it for Native Americans as a whole. Nicholas and his colleagues are using bully tactics to avoid facing innocent people who have done nothing but oppose them and pursue a transparent leadership that will not rule in a despotic manner

Medina utilizes common analogies of property management topics to grasp support of Lake County landlords, tenants, and potential homebuyers. This is an attempt to shed light off of our issues, and give a façade of “just leadership” trying to conduct everyday business. He also attempts to brand opposing members, tenants and protesters as tribal members who are taking advantage of “tribal assets.” If that is not the pot calling the kettle black, I do not know what is.

Robinson Rancheria is what it is because of their actions, and we are simply tired of allowing it to be unnoticed. To clean up their impetuous past decisions, they utilize people that have poor ethical and moral standards to assist them in solely controlling the tribe as a kleptocracy. For the rest of the membership to receive any of the so called “interfered revenues,” we are to just be satisfied with whatever the leadership blesses us with, or accept quid pro quo offerings.

These issues are simply derivative results of the June 14, 2008, election, and despite Medina's belief of it being a “moot point,” the Robinson Rancheria Members and anyone else who does not obtain a special interest can read right through their ploys and justifications.

In essence this group of individuals is the neo-Indian scout; diminishing cultural tribes into oblivion for short-term gain.

It is quite interesting Nick, how you contradict yourself by requesting qualities such as “thorough and accurate reporting” and “investigating the facts of a situation” from the editor. You and your colleagues have consistently neglected those specific qualities on all issues that include the June 14, 2008, election, disenrollment proceedings, housing allocations, California Tribal TANF (CTTP) directives and many other haphazard actions you have taken to maintain control of this tribe.

Eddie J. Crandell is de facto chairman of Robinson Rancheria after being elected last year. However, the tribe's election committee decertified the election, allowing Avila to remain in power. Crandell lives in Nice.

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