Monday, 30 September 2024

State launches California Green Corps

SACRAMENTO – Immediately after meeting on March 16 with President Obama’s Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis in Sacramento to discuss federal economic stimulus funding and job creation, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger launched the California Green Corps.

Building up communities and the state’s green workforce, the California Green Corps will place at-risk young adults aged 16-24 into jobs in California’s emerging green economy.

“President Obama and I share similar priorities right now when it comes to helping the economy rebound and creating a greener California and America,” said Schwarzenegger. “In California we will utilize federal economic stimulus funds and public-private partnerships to help stimulate our economy while initiating actions to improve our environment. Green jobs are exactly what our economy and environment need right now – and the California Green Corps targets that need while helping at-risk young adults realize a brighter future.”

Investing at least $10 million in federal economic stimulus funding from the U.S. Department of Labor and an additional $10 million from public-private partnerships, the initial phase of the California Green Corps will consist of a 20-month pilot program reaching at least 1,000 of California’s at-risk young adults.

The program will consist of a minimum of 10 regional Green Corps throughout the state – with at least one regional Green Corps located in each of California’s nine economic regions. All programs will be public-private partnerships that include green job training, a stipend, an educational requirement and community service.

To help ensure the success of the Green Corps, it will be housed under California Volunteers – an agency in a unique position to leverage federal economic stimulus funding and to work with public-private partnerships and across state agencies.

This program furthers the goals of California’s Green Collar Jobs Council which was created when the Governor signed Assembly Bill 3018 in September 2008. The Council is charged with developing a comprehensive approach to address the workforce needs associated with California’s emerging green economy.

For additional information about the California Green Corps please visit


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