Saturday, 28 September 2024

Flotilla member meets commandant of the United States Coast Guard

Richard Thomas of the Lake County Coast Guard Auxiliary (left) and Admiral Thad Allen, Commandant of the United States Coast Guard. Courtesy photo.



HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE Hidden Valley resident and member of the Lake County Coast Guard Auxiliary, Richard Thomas, had the honor of meeting Admiral Thad Allen, Commandant of the United States Coast Guard, at the annual Coast Guard Auxiliary National Training in St. Louis, Missouri.

The annual training lasted a week and included National Auxiliary business meetings and workshops in personnel services, public affairs, vessel examinations, marine safety and marine inspections.

The district which includes Lake County flotilla 88 consists of Northern California, Nevada, and Utah.

Thomas is the district staff officer for personnel services. Auxiliary members are authorized by Congress to participate in every facet of the Coast Guard except law enforcement and acts of war.

With a focus on boating safety, in 2007, the Lake County flotilla completed 1,134 hours on marine patrols, 72 courtesy vessel inspections, taught five boating safety classes, volunteered 706 hours of direct service to the Coast Guard station on Coast Guard Island in Alameda, California and Coast Guard Station, Humboldt Bay in Eureka. The Lake County flotilla donated over 8,400 hours of service in 2007.

The Coast Guard Auxiliary, third component of Team Coast Guard, is made up of more than 30,000 volunteers nationwide and acts as a force multiplier.

The flotilla is always looking for volunteers. The primary requirements to join are that a person must be at least 17 years old, a U.S. citizen and has not been convicted of a felony.

If you are interested in action volunteering, contact Richard Thomas at 707-489-0466.

If you are interested in a boating safety class in 2008, check the Coast Guard Auxiliary Web site for a calendar of classes or contact Betty Strach at 707-928-9811.


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