Sunday, 29 September 2024

Gov. Schwarzenegger sends HVL Spring Fling a letter

HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE – On Friday, May 15, the day before the Hardester's Shopping Center's Spring Fling, the office of Marty Keller, Small Business Advocate for the State of California, sent an email with a very special attachment.  It was a letter from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. It read as follows:

"It is a pleasure to extend my greetings to all those gathered for your Spring Fling.

"I applaud your efforts to bring your residents together for some fun.  With a variety of entertainment, food, and much more, I have no doubt that all those in attendance will have a fantastic time and take pride in the great sense of community you have helped to create.

"My thanks to all those who made this wonderful event possible.  They each deserve a big hand for their actions to strengthen friendships, and I commend them for their hard work.

"On behalf of all Californians, I send my best wishes for a memorable day and every continued success."

Arnold Schwarzenegger

How did Governor Schwarzenegger know that this extraordinary event was taking place – let alone what it entailed?

Keller either told him or had him read the Squidoo lens that is online promoting the event. In fact, Keller himself posted a very nice comment to the Squidoo lens' Guest Book concerning the Spring Fling – along with many other folks from around the world.

This letter should be regarded as a keepsake for all residents of Lake County.  It documents a "memory-maker" – a special moment in history – especially for those who attended the festival or helped to make it possible.

To get a free copy of Gov. Schwarzenegger's letter, visit and click the link for the PDF of the letter. Print the PDF out on photo paper and frame. This is history worth showcasing.  

Who knows?  The next time the Hardester's Shopping Center has a special event, we just might have a special guest from Sacramento paying us a visit.

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