Sunday, 29 September 2024

Chamber asks residents to take 'Shop Lake County First' pledge

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The Lake County Chamber is asking all Lake County residents to show their support to our local businesses by taking the 'Shop Lake County First Pledge.'

The pledge reads as follows:

“I pledge to THINK first of my local economy, SHOP first at my local businesses, and BUY first from local companies who give back so much, in so many ways, to my community. I will make a conscious effort to spend at least 10 percent more in our local communities of Lake County.”

It continues, “I also pledge to encourage at least two (four or six) others to make the same commitment to 'Shop, Stay and Play' more in Lake County through making little changes in shopping, dining and recreational choices for the benefit of all who call Lake County home.”

“Every little bit helps,” said Melissa Fulton, chief executive officer of the Lake County Chamber of Commerce.

“Most people think you can't find many products and services here,” said Fulton. “To the contrary, most of our businesses can provide what you need if you just ask them. As more businesses register on Shop, Stay and Play, residents will be surprised by how much time and travel they can save by shopping in Lake County versus going over the hill.”

A list of all who take the pledge will be continually updated on the Shop, Stay and Play Web site, and the chamber encourage everyones who takes the pledge to be sure and contact their '2, 4 or 6' and grow the list.

“Locally owned businesses return about 80 percent of each dollar back to our county,” said Fulton. “Every dollar spent returns up to five times its amount through taxes, employees' wages and purchases by businesses at other locally owned businesses. Contrast this to large box stores that contribute as little as 20 percent or less to the communities they are in. And, many big box stores such as Walmart are given tax incentives in some areas, so you're actually paying more than you think you are when you shop there.”

She said that residents don't have to do all their shopping in the county – just more than they're currently doing.

If you regularly on, you can make a difference by buying two to three books out of every five from a Lake County book store – better yet, buy all five here, she said.

“Your efforts to shop local will make a significant difference to the revenue of that business,” she said. “Think about three businesses you regularly frequent, make a commitment to spend at least $25 more each month with them. Encourage your friends to do the same with their 'three businesses.' By employing this mindset, you will be instrumental in helping those businesses sustain themselves so they are still around in a year to continue serving your needs.”

The public is asked to show their support by signing the pledge on the Lake County Chamber's Shop, Stay & Play Facebook page ( or by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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