Sunday, 29 September 2024

Business owner issues challenge to find county's biggest recycler

Recycle-only receptacles can help businesses reduce their garbage bills. Clearlake businessman Bill Stone is challenging other businesses to compete for biggest recycler honors. Courtesy photo.

CLEARLAKE – “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore,” is what I was thinking when I opened my garbage bill.  I am the co-owner, along with Alvaro Valencia, of A & B Collision in Clearlake.

As I looked up the phone number of C & S Waste Solutions, I noticed on their web site that they offer a free waste assessment program. Yes, I said FREE!

I called and set an appointment with Julie Price, recycling manager of C & S Waste Solutions. She came to our shop, A & B Collision in Clearlake, and we went over what we could do to reduce our waste.

Price was very helpful and professional, and, as a result, we were able to reduce our business waste from a four-yard container to a two-yard container. As a small business owner, it is very important to cut costs wherever possible.

We installed recycle-only cans in the body shop, paint shop and office. We are encouraging our employees to recycle and they have been very receptive.

As a business, we not only have reduced our waste going into the county landfill, we have also helped the city of Clearlake improve its recycling numbers.

Since our meeting with Price, we have been able to reduce our garbage fee by $135 per month.   

After my “mad as hell” moment, I had what some people might call an epiphany.

I thought to myself, I’m actually turning something from a negative into a positive. I started to ponder, what if all businesses took advantage of reducing waste and cutting their costs to dispose of waste.

I became excited and thought … we could create a challenge to all Lake County businesses to vie for being recognized as Lake County’s biggest recycler!

The challenge I am proposing is that all businesses in Lake County reduce the waste that they produce that ends up in our landfill and implement smart, educated and creative ways to recycle more.

Here’s how we can all play the game. Implement recycling, re-use and waste reduction activities at your place of business, at home and in the community (schools, parks, special events, etc.).

You can nominate a business in Lake County or business owners can nominate themselves as being “Lake County’s Biggest Recycler.”

Nominations can be emailed to Rebecca Dierssen, public services analyst with the county of Lake at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For those without Internet access, you can fax your nomination to Dierssen at 707-262-0973. She can also be reached by phone at 707-263-1980.

Included with the nomination should be a brief letter stating what steps have been taken in the nominated business to reduce waste and why the business should be considered as a contender in the challenge.

A committee of county business owners is being formed to help judge the nominations. All nominations should be received by Monday, Nov. 16.

We are currently soliciting prizes to be awarded to our top recyclers, and intend on having local press acknowledge our participants and winners.

Please join me in turning “mad as hell” into “proud as hell” by participating in this challenge.

For further information about recycling, reusing, and reducing waste, or for your FREE waste assessment, contact: Bill Stone, A & B Collision, 707-994-8800; Julie Price, Lake County Waste Solutions / Clearlake Waste Solutions, 707-234-6400, ; South Lake Refuse,
707-994-8613; Lakeport Disposal, 707-263-6080, .

Bill Stone is co-owner of A & B Collision in Clearlake and is a fanatic recycler.

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