Sunday, 29 September 2024

Second Sunday Cinema announces free films for April 12

CLEARLAKE – Second Sunday Cinema's two free documentaries for April 12 are “for the choir,” meaning they're for those motivated to explore what's not working for us in our current US and global monetary/financial system. Who's paying the price? You and I.

“Money as Debt”: This is a 47-minute animated educational documentary by filmmaker Paul Grignon with the help of financial experts. Normal money systems are based on hard assets (such as gold and silver, as our own constitution demands). In contrast, our current non-functional system is based solely on debt and "fiat" or intrinsically worthless currency. The purpose of our current system is to enrich a small cartel of financial controllers at the expense of the rest of the population. It seems to be working.

True “economic democracy” would mandate that our financial system be responsive to and serve the average citizen. Under our current system, the very opposite is true. OUR hard-earned cash goes into the pockets of the already rich. See the mechanism explained, and understand the necessity of returning to a real money system if we are to save what is left of America.

“FIAT EMPIRE: Why the Federal Reserve Violates the US Constitution”: This film explains what the Federal Reserve actually is – not a part of the Federal Government,as many of us believe, but in many ways actually taking from the federal government its Constitutional mandate to issue and control the nation's money.

Since President Woodrow Wilson reluctantly signed The Fed into law in 1913, our money has lost over over 95 percent of its purchasing power. In our current financial crisis, not one person in 1,000 understands what is actually taking place, and why. This film explains the reasons.

See these two films, and understand exactly why and how the "financial crisis" has been created, and what America needs to do to regain her financial health.

Second Sunday Cinema exists to bring important information to the people of Lake County. Information is empowering. It allows us to make decisions that benefit us, not the rich and powerful. Our films are always free, and the atmosphere is warm and supportive.

Our doors open at 5:30 p.m. for snacks and socializing. The films will start at 6 p.m. Our venue is the Clearlake United Methodist Church at 14521 Pearl Ave. in Clearlake. Time will be made for discussions between the two films.

For more information call 707-279-2957.

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