Sunday, 29 September 2024

Full house at Caf

LAKEPORT – At Cafe Victoria's first open mic of April, 35 people there for the entertainment, which was non-stop.

Host Phil Mathewson sang his song “Lilly Langtry” about the famous actress and the well-known local winery to open the show and then introduced Hamed, who tickled the ivories on the house piano. One guest suggested Hamed should study at Julliard after high school graduation since he is that good.

Then Craig H., also a high school student, did his comedy routine covering subjects from old movie stars to Viagra. Maybe we’ll see him on “Last Comic Standing” someday.

Robert Stark, songwriter/singer, did a rock song and a torch song, “9:30 at Night”, which he had performed previously at the Art Council’s Winterfest.

The dynamic duo of Tom Nixon and Doug Kaufman performed their original tunes including “Headin' up to Clearlake” and “29,” both songs about Lake County. They both perform in a local band, as does Chris, whose band “From the Ashes” has a musical video “I’m a Ghost” on Chris also performed “Smile” which will become a music video when he has a little more money.

Philip Martin changed the pace with his magic tricks which get better each time he performs. He always has different card tricks and this time he did tricks with cups and balls.

Allen Markowski sang “25 Years Ago” and ‘The Shoemaker” which had the audience joining in on the chorus. Allen was in charge of filming the performances for Channel 8 so everyone can see the open mic eventually. He has big plans for the Channel to make it more accessible to the public.

Dennis Crisp, who also assisted with the filming, came on stage to sing his songs about playing cards with the devil and a black widow spider.

Donavon, one of our regular performers, did two of his original tunes “ When I Come Home” and “Amnesia” in a forceful performance.

Greg Bloom, first-time performer, sang a two of his favorite songs.

Lourdes, as one of two poets, did three original poems. Her poems such as “Reflections on a Sunset” and “Homer” have great visual qualities. Dick Flowers recited two of his poems, “Liverwurst for Wear” and “G.W” which reflected his political views. Neon Napalm, which is her real name, did a great rap song that could rival any of the top rappers today.

The open mic went into extended time to have encores of Hamed’s piano genius, Tom and Doug’s road songs, and Philip Martin’s magic tricks. Philip’s tricks included card cutting and four aces which were inspired by Dennis Crisp’s "If You Cut Cards with the Devil” song.

We had 13 performers and an appreciative audience of many more at our biggest open mic ever. Next month should be even bigger so come early for a good seat and look for us on Channel 8. Last month’s open mic will not be televised due to technical difficulties with the equipment but this month’s filming went well.

The cafe is located at 301 Main St., Lakeport and welcomes drop in performers.


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