Sunday, 29 September 2024

Second Sunday Cinema features 'Everything's Cool'

CLEARLAKE – "Everything's Cool" will be Second Sunday Cinema's free film for April 13.

"Everything's Cool," says the White House. Go on, buy that big, bad SUV (you know you want it!). Buy those expensive gallons of gas to get that SUV from Point A to Point B. (If you don't, that SUV won't budge.) Besides, Fox News knows a scientist or two still declaring that global warming is a harmless prank played from time to time by a feckless Mother Nature.

However, most scientists and many others, including government experts, have known the facts about climate change (far more complex than mere "warming") for decades. Why didn't we, the people, hear about its reality and its effects back in 1987? After all, we would have had a 20-year head start on making the many changes needed to prevent climate change's worst extremes.

The inspiring documentary "Everything's Cool" chronicles the history of efforts by big media and the White House to completely suppress, distort, and misrepresent the science and the facts. Along the way we get to know some of the quiet heroes whose determination to get the facts out have resulted in our current knowledge – however tardy.

One is Bill McKibben, environmental activist and author of the seminal 1987 book, "The End of Nature." Another is the self-effacing, Pulitzer-Prize-winning NYT journalist Ross Gelbspan. Both have fought the good fight for over 20 years, even though they often felt despair in the face of the facts on the one hand, and censorship and lies on the other.

And this is the other really good reason to come to see this free movie: In the face of a scary reality, these and the other quirky heroes in this lively, fascinating film find the courage and heart to remain optimistic while working every day to be as effective as they can be in their self-appointed jobs. They make inspiring role models.

"Everything's Cool" will be screened on Sunday, April 13. As always, Second Sunday Cinema's films are free.

The much-appreciated venue is the Clearlake United Methodist Church at 14521 Pearl Ave., in Clearlake.

Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for early birds who want to grab a good seat, a snack, perhaps, and a chat with an acquaintance. (We encourage this friendly behavior!) There's also time for discussion or schmoozing after the film. More information is available at 279-2957. We hope to see you there!


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