Sunday, 29 September 2024

Clearlake Park publisher releases debut novel



CLEARLAKE PARK – Literally reaching for the stars, Clearlake Park’s Mallard & Heron Books has released its debut novel, a science fiction story titled “Zeera” by Mary Dombach.

“Zeera is selling well,” said publisher Mark Bredt, who has realized a lifelong ambition to publish books after decades as a news journalist and editor.

“I have discovered that the production of a book is the easy part of publishing,” Bredt added. “The challenge comes with promoting, marketing and sales.”

Bredt has managed to place “Zeera” with all of the major online retailers including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders and more.

“But getting into bookstores is definitely the bigger challenge,” Bredt said.

Locally, Clearlake’s Wild About Books is carrying the title and several bookstores local to the author are carrying it, too.

“It’s a slow and methodical process of presenting and selling the title to bookstores,” said Bredt.

“Zeera” also debuts the writing talent of Pennsylvania resident Mary Dombach, who had planned to wait for retirement to write her first novel but the central character of the science fiction story had other plans. Perhaps Zeera exercised extraterrestrial talents to get her story told; whatever the case, Dombach couldn’t resist the story clamoring to be heard.

“Zeera” is a book for a wide audience, said Dombach. Obviously a science fiction/fantasy entry, there are enough wry observations on the human condition to appeal to literary readers and a quotient of romantic obstacles that will intrigue romance fans.

Zeera is a comely young woman from another planet, the Daughter of the Sable Knight. She is one of a dozen offspring of Argerian males and captive human women sent to Earth to become pregnant. Survival of the Argerian race depends on the mission’s success.

The plot involves its fair share of extraterrestrial powers and manipulative shenanigans by the Argerian elders, which creates a compelling line of suspense. But the story revolves around Zeera’s learning to understand human behavior and motivations.

She is entranced by Lilly and Walt, the elderly couple from whom she rents a room, and their devotion to each other; intrigued by the couple next door and their young daughter, and often startled by the simple things humans take for granted. Then, of course, there are the vagaries of her search for a suitable sperm donor and her surprising choice.

A review on her Web site,, notes that, “This is a gentle book, even as horrific violent events are disclosed, with a subtle humor and unexpected twists. In the midst of the otherworldly plotline, one is delighted by the author’s caring eye for the doubts and dilemmas wrestled by ordinary people dealing with everyday events.”

Zeera leaves us with plenty to think about. As Dombach writes in her preface: “Of the many lessons she would learn over the course of her travels, Zeera came to know that all races know evil; some even honor it. Perhaps the most important lesson was that there is no need to burden oneself with the debates of philosophy or even religion, because ultimately truth is determined by those in power. The most complex, and probably the most disturbing lesson of all, was that some things matter more than truth.”

Zeera is available for purchase online at, through most major online book retailers and locally at Wild About Books in Clearlake.

Zeera can be ordered through any local bookstore – ISBN # 978-0-9796989-0-3 / Trade paper back $14.95 / Mallard & Heron Books.


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