Monday, 30 September 2024

Air quality update: Blue skies should continue

LAKE COUNTY – Monday brought with it a beautiful blue sky, and clearer skies and air are expected to continue in through Tuesday.

Lake County Air Pollution Control Officer Bob Reynolds said no exceed of a health-based state or federal air quality standard is expected through Tuesday.

Using the Federal Air Quality Index (AQI) for particulate matter, Lake County’s air quality is expected to be in the good range but may reach moderate range, Reynolds said. The AQI for particulate is expected to remain well below 101 where an unhealthy alert is given.

Smoke intrusions into the Lake County Air Basin last week resulted primarily from the Yolla Bolly complex and remainder of the Lime complex which remain largely uncontained, Reynolds said. Several uncontained wildfires continue to burn in Northern California resulting in occasions of smoke, haze and degraded air quality.

Though progress has been made on wildfires remaining on federal land, much of the Lime Complex area is rugged and remote and is unlikely to be completely controlled soon, he said.

The Soda Complex wildfire was reported contained as of Sunday, and no uncontained fires remain in Lake County, as Lake County News has reported.

Winds are expected to predominantly be west through northwest and prevail through Tuesday, Reynolds said. This should keep smoke from these major ongoing wildfires to the north and east of the Lake County Air Basin.

He said moderate air quality conditions may develop overnight, if east or north winds occur, but at a much reduced smoke impact as compared to last Thursday should they occur.

Presently, the skies are blue and winds are expected to keep the smoke generated by the Yolla Bolly and Lime Complex wildfires out of Lake County through Tuesday, Reynolds said.

Residual smoke can be expected to remain throughout all areas of Northern California, including Lake County until the numerous lightning caused wildfires are out. Reynolds said all fires are presently dispersing smoke to a higher height and diluting more during transport, partially mitigating any transport of smoke from distant fires.


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