Saturday, 28 September 2024

College board appoints oversight committee, votes to authorize bond sales


Measure W is the College’s $67.5 million facilities bond passed in November.



Under proposition 39, the governing regulation for the bond, the college is required to appoint a committee consisting of at least seven members to be selected by the board of trustees, to serve for a term of two years and not for more than two consecutive terms. Members serve without compensation.

For this first appointment, some members will serve a one-year term in order to ensure overlapping terms. This means that some new members will be appointed as early as next year.

No employee, official, vendor, contractor, or consultant of Mendocino-Lake Community College District may be appointed to the committee.



The CBOC is required to be comprised of members representing specific interests, including business, senior citizens, taxpayer organization, Mendocino College students, a college support organization, and at-large members. The board has decided to appoint 11 members initially to the CBOC.



“We decided that, in addition to the seven required members, additional participants were necessary given the large geographic area that the College covers, and to facilitate input from north Mendocino County and Lake County where we will be building permanent centers,” explained Board of Trustee Chair Gary Taylor.



Appointed members of the CBOC, with their representation, are:

– Business representative Marty Lombardi, Ukiah, Senior VP, Savings Bank of Mendocino County.

– Senior citizen representative Charles Myers, Redwood Valley, retired superintendent of schools, former mayor and city councilman.

– Taxpayer association representative, Jim Mulheren, Ukiah, owner of Ukiah Custom Cabinets.

– College support organization representative Gary D. Smith, Ukiah, wwner of Smith Vineyards, member of Mendocino College Foundation.

– Student representative Sabra Lugthart, Ukiah, Mendocino College student.

– At-large member George Feola, Lakeport, market manager for Bicoastal Media.

– At-large member Myron Holdenried, Kelseyville, rancher and owner of Wildhurst Winery.

– At-large member Bill Jack, Willits, retired small business owner of BLJ Enterprises.

– At-large member Joanne LaCasse, Ukiah, self-employed CPA.

– At-large member Diane Pauli, Potter Valley, retired, former Mendocino College trustee.

– At-large member Timothy Poma, Ukiah, Mendocino College student.



The Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee is charged with overseeing the expenditure of bond proceeds. Specifically, it will ensure bond proceeds are expended only for the purposes set forth in Measure W, and ensure no bond proceeds are used for operating expenses or general administrative or faculty salaries.



In related bond matters, the trustees authorized the issuance of General Obligation Bonds, Series A in a principle amount not to exceed $40,000,000.

It is anticipated such bonds will be issued in April or May.



In a separate vote, the trustees also authorized bids for re-roofing five buildings on the Ukiah campus at an estimated cost of $1,657,850, of which a portion is expected to be funded by State scheduled maintenance block grant funds and the balance by bond funds.

The five buildings are the Vocational/Technical Building, the Agriculture Headhouse, the Physical Education building, the Child Care Center, and the Fine Arts building. Re-roofing is expected to be completed by August 2007.



Additional information regarding Measure W and the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee is available online at


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