Sunday, 29 September 2024

First Measure W Bond Quarterly Report issued

UKIAH – Mendocino College’s Bond Implementation Planning Committee has issued its first “Measure W Bond Program Quarterly Status Report – October 2007,” detailing financial and other information regarding the College’s $67.5 million construction and renovation bond.

With the addition of state and other matching funds, the Measure W program has a total projected budget of $97.4 million.


A presentation of the report was given to the Measure W Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) on Tuesday, Oct. 9, and to the Mendocino-Lake Community College Board of Trustees on Wednesday, Oct. 10.


The report provides a summary of the 30 construction and renovation projects listed under the bond, and provides 16 separate summary sheets for projects in progress. As of August 2007, $1,165,746 has been expended and $677,053 has been encumbered.


“Since last November a great deal of work has gone into program planning, establishing numerous project committees and a Facilities Planning office, setting up financial reporting, and starting projects such as re-roofing, procurement of a new computer system and submitting the Final Plan Proposal for our new Library/Learning Resource Center,” said Superintendent/President Kathy Lehner. “We believe Measure W will open more doors, literally, for student success, and we are very excited about the numerous projects we have moving forward. We will continue to keep the public informed about our activities, through media, our website and the quarterly reports.”


A copy of the report, along with other bond information, is available online at or by contacting the Public Information Office at 468-3012.


Also posted at the same web address are the agendas and minutes for the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee’s quarterly meetings, which are open to the public.


Their next meeting will be held at 5 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2008, at the Mendocino College Willits Center, 11 Marin St.


The voters, authorizing $67.5 million of facilities bond funds, passed measure W on Nov. 7, 2006.


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